  • 學位論文


Transformation of U.S. Intelligence System after the September 11 Attacks

指導教授 : 黃介正


美國在遭受「九一一攻擊事件」後,進行了半世紀以來最大規模的政府組織改革。其中包括最為重要的2004年「情報改革及反恐法案」所成立的「國家情報主任」一職以及2002年所成立的「國土安全部」。前者將擔任16個情報部門的最高首長而後者將原本分別屬於不同政府部門的23個單位納併至新部門底下。這些轉型動作的目的為集中情報社群的領導權力以及提升各情報單位之間的情資分享與合作;然而,改革之後是否有達成預設的目標,仍有待觀察。 本論文試圖從冷戰之後瞭解美國情報系統近代的改革努力,並以「九一一攻擊事件」後情報系統改革作為研究重點,並檢視改革成效對於情報社群之影響。本研究以美國情報系統的組織改革作為研究主題,主要以美國行政部門所公佈之官方報告、總統發布之行政命令與國會所通過之法案作為研究依據,分析情報系統轉型對於情報社群的影響及成效。本論文圍繞三大主軸,分別是情報系統改革的脈絡、情報社群間各單位的合作協調關係以及美國情報系統的未來挑戰。 美國政府所推動的情報系統改革將成為各國參考的指標,而近期所進行的轉型任務成效如何,各界正在觀察中。本研究發現,「九一一事件」後的情報系統轉型所提出的改革方案理由不夠充分,而是在當時的政治氣氛與民眾期盼下,朝野各界為了展現改革成績單而妥協出來的結果。因此,本文也針對美國情報系統在未來仍可努力的重點進行討論。


情報系統 改革 九一一攻擊


The United States government has undergone the largest organizational reform in the past 50 years in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks in 2001. The most significant of these is the passing of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, which created the position of Director of National Intelligence (DNI) who is now the leader of the intelligence community, with 16 agencies under their control. Also, in 2002, the U.S. government created the Department of Homeland Security, incorporating 23 agencies into a single department. These reform actions aimed to centralize the leadership of the intelligence community and enhance information sharing among agencies; however, after nearly a decade, it remains difficult to determine if these goals have been fully accomplished. This thesis reviews the intelligence reform efforts the U.S. government has carried out after the end of the Cold War, with a particular focus on the organizational transformation after the September 11 attacks. The research is mainly based on official government reports and publications, president executive orders, and congressional acts. The research focuses on three main points- the development of U.S. intelligence reform, cooperation and coordination among agencies within the intelligence community, and future challenges of the U.S. intelligence system. The outcomes of these intelligence system transformations are still being examined by the world. This research finds that the steps taken after the September 11 attacks for intelligence reform do not have sufficient rationale and were the result of compromise under the political atmosphere and public pressure at the time. Accordingly, this thesis also discusses the areas for improvement in the U.S. intelligence system in the near future.


911 Commission. The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the Natinoal Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, authorized edition. New York: W.W. Norton, 2004.
Breckinridge, Scott D. The CIA and the U.S. Intelligence System, Boulder : Westview Press, 1986.
Godson, Roy, Ernest R. May, and Gary Schmitt, eds., U.S. Intelligence at the Crossroads: Agendas for Reform, Brassey's UK Ltd., 1995.
Johnson, Loch K., ed., Handbook of Intelligence Studies, London; New York : Routledge, 2007.
Odom, William E. Fixing Intelligence: For a More Secure America, Second Edition, Yale University Press, 2004.
