  • 學位論文


Study of Liang Qichao :The acceptance of Japan

指導教授 : 富田哲


經歷過鴉片戰爭之後,外國的知識跟技術被傳到了中國。因為外國侵略感受到危機感的中國文人們,開始學習外國的知識跟技術,推行了各式各樣的社會改革運動。梁啟超就是在這樣的時代中出生的人物。可是他在稱為戊戌變法的社會改革運動當中,經過約百天就推動了教育、人才選用、軍隊、翻訳、技術、立憲、除舊習、法律、交通等等方面的改革,我從以前就抱持著這樣的疑問,他到底是如何實施改革運動,還有他自身的改革理論是從哪裡獲得的。並且,梁啟超在發表過的「日本国志後序」、「読日本書目志書後」等等的文章中,主要都在討論國外的制度,特别是在「日本国志後序」中也提及了明治維新的內容,還有日本的改革方式、國家政策、學術用語等等。從這些方面來看,我認為戊戌變法的產生一定和日本改革制度有某種關聯。 由於1898年的戊戌政變,梁啟超逃亡到日本,在日本生活蠻長時間,並且接觸到許多日本書籍。我認為這段經歷一定對梁啟超的思想方面有某種影響。而另一方面,在最近的和製漢語的研究當中,提及梁啟超因逃亡到日本學習過日文,可以看到在他的文章當中有使用非常多的和製漢語。梁啟超的文章常常被當時的文人閱讀,似乎影響力並不小。因此,在梁啟超的文章當中出現的和製漢語應該對當時的中國文人有某些影響。 基於上述理由,本論文將透過梁啓超這個人物,探討他在逃亡到日本之後的思想是怎麼變化的。在本文當中將分成五章,也將會提及到在他的文章之中所看到的和製漢語的問題。筆者將會比較『時務報』和他逃亡到日本之後的『清議報』的言論,探討兩者之間的論述和當時梁啓超所參考的資料來源到底有哪裡不同。筆者想要考察日文對梁啓超的影響,還有在梁啓超的文章當中是如何使用和製漢語。而且,梁啓超為了讓中國人學習日文,還著作了『和文漢読法』這本書,裡頭解說了日文文法,以及倡導中國民眾去學習日文。筆者將會把這本著作當作參考提示,對於日文學習方面,梁啟超是抱有什麼樣的看法,以及在當時的社會裡日文的功用,梁啟超是有什麼樣的見解,筆者將想要探討這些內容。


After the Opium War, foreign knowledge and technology started to spread into China. Chinese Scholars who felt the crisis started to acquire them and tried to carry out social reform movement. Liang Qichao was the figure who was born in that time. He was one of the leaders who had advanced many reforms, such as on education, recruitment system, military, constitutionalism, old customs, law and transportation and so forth during Hundred Days' Reform. How did he advance those reformations and did he learn those theories of reformation? Liang Qichao wrote articles like 「日本国志後序」,「読日本書目志書後」which mentioned about Meiji Restoration, reforms in Japan, national policy, nomenclature and so on. It is fair to say that fruits of Hundred Days' Reform would not be available without the knowledge of the reforms in Japan. After the coup of 1898 by Dowager Empress Cixi, Liang Qichao defected to Japan. He had read many Japanese books while staying in Japan for many years. It is no doubt that this experience had some sort of impact on his thought. . On the other hand, the recent research of Japan-made Chinese words or Wasei Kango, revealed that many Wasei Kango can be found in those articles written by Liang Qichao. His writings were read widely among Chinese scholars and the influence was not small. Frequent appearances of Wasei Kango in Liang Qichao’s articles, therefore, should have some kind of effect to Chinese scholars. In accordance with these reasons, this thesis is going to seek how his thought changed while staying in Japan. This thesis will be divided into five parts,. The author is going to compare his opinions on 『Shi Wu Bao』 and 『Qing Yi Bao』 to find out the difference, including his reference materials. The author is also going to seek how Japanese influenced Liang Qichao and how Wasei Kango were used in his articles. Liang Qichao authored a book titled Wabun Kandokuho for Chinese people learning Japanese. It explained Japanese grammar and advocated Chinese people to learn Japanese using the unique method which he thought up. The author is going to analyze this publication.


奥田尚(2007)「『海外新話』の南京条約」『追手門学院大学文学部紀要 42』追手門学院大学p208-213
