  • 學位論文


A Study of Female Consumer’s Insurance Product Buying-Case Study

指導教授 : 郝充仁


在這個性別平等觀念越趨強烈的時代,越來越多女性擁有自己的一片天,過著自主獨立的生活;同時,隨著女性擁有屬於自己的事業,消費能力也隨之提高,因此女性的經濟影響力更是不容小覷。另外,我們發現現今的保險產品皆已不再是以單純一般風險為主要考量而設計,越來越多客製化、族群區別的商品出現。   現代女性的教育程度、經濟及社會地位逐年提高,所以她們不用像以前的女人一樣,必須依賴伴侶來維持生計。因此,她們對組織家庭的意願越來越低。伴隨生育率的下降,維持單身的比例持續逐年攀高。現代女性,少了養育孩子的教育經費,因此有更多能力消費,對自我享受及生活品質注重也是越來越高了。   消費優先順序也從以往的家庭觀念出發之商品轉變成個人導向商品。從國外到國內,女性地位日漸受到重視,經由工作人口的增加,其可支配所得及購買力也隨之增加,而這股力量也開始蔓延到保險商品,專為女性設計的保險商品已是趨勢之一。   本研究以E-K-B消費者行為模式坐為觀念性架構,以生活型態以及人口統計變數做為投入變數,並以AIO生活型態變數做為分類基礎,再以消費者實態變數做為消費者行為之描述,分析女性消費者特性,研究範圍為二十歲以上具有消費能力之女性。   研就透過問卷調查方式進行,共發出318份問卷,回收有效問卷300份,所蒐集資料利用SPSS統計軟體進行分析。   研究結果發現,保險商品女性消費者口透過生活型態變數,將女性消費者分為「 品牌意識型」、「精打細算型」、「創新品質型」、「口碑促銷型」、「流行時尚型」五種類型。各類消費者在購買動機、商品評估、消費實際情況上皆有顯著相關性。


Along with the increasing awareness of gender equity, more women want to lead an independent life and have their own career. Meanwhile, since women have developed their own career, their spending power should not be overlooked. In the study, the researchers found that the insurance products in nowadays are no longer simply designed for consideration of general risks. There are more customization and segmentation insurance commodities in the market. Modern women’s education level, economic status and social status are gradually rising, and therefore, they don’t need to rely on their spouses for living. As a result of that, women are less willing to organize a family. With the increasing of single population, birth rate declines relatively. Therefore, modern women have less burden on parenting and educational expenses, and they have more ability to spend money on enjoyment and improving their life qualities. Spending priority has changed from ‘family oriented commodities’ to ‘individual oriented commodities’. Women’s status are increasingly emphasized in an international level. Because of the increasing of female labour population, the disposable income and spending power have increased. Furthermore, this spending power began to spread to insurance products and causes a trend of insurance commodities, designed for women, especially. The study adopted E-K-B consumer behavior model as a conceptual framework, and used lifestyle and demographic variables as input variables. AIO lifestyle variable was taken as the basis of classification. Then, 'consumer reality variables' was narratives for describing consumer's behavior in order to analyze female consumer's characteristics on spending. The research objects were target at the females whose age were above twenty with spending power. This research was conducted through questionnaire survey. There were 318 questionnaires, issued and 300 valid questionnaires were collected, which were analyzed by SPSS. The research categorized female consumers, who purchases insurance products as five types based on their lifestyle variables: ' brand awareness type,' ’meticulous planning type,' innovative quality type,' 'word-of-mouth (WOM) promotion type,' and 'fashionable type.' There were obvious connection among purchase motivation, commodities evaluation and purchasing reality.


8.林世鳳 (2006),女性消費者化妝品購買行為探討-以台南市女性消費者為例,碩士論文,國立成功大學企業管理研究所。
Life Insurance Purchasing Behavior : An Empirical Investigation”,The Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. 42( September)
