  • 學位論文

2014年台北市市長選舉 選民投票行為之分析

An Analysis of Voting Behavior in 2014 Taipei City Mayoral Election

指導教授 : 蕭怡靖


本研究欲探討影響選民「投票行為」之因素為何,因此將「投票行為」分成「投票參與」和「投票抉擇」兩個部分,各自探討「政黨認同」、「候選人因素」以及「施政評價」三大影響投票行為之重大因素,是如何影響本次的投票行為。 研究結果發現,在「政黨認同」方面,國民黨和民進黨在投票參與上,國民黨的認同者有著較不願意參與投票的情形在,而在投票抉擇上,兩黨依舊有著影響力存在,但國民黨的認同者有部分會把票投給其他黨所推派的候選人;在「候選人因素」上,當選民越喜歡某位候選人時,越會傾向參與投票,而在投票抉擇上,相較於柯文哲,喜歡連勝文的選民更傾向把票投給自己支持的候選人;最後在「施政評價」上,不論是地方或是中央的施政表現皆不影響選民的投票參與,而在投票抉擇上,僅地方施政表現有所影響,當選民不滿意施政表現時,越傾向把票投給執政黨以外的候選人。


This study is intended to explore the factors that influence the voter's "Voting behavior". The "Voting behavior" is divided into two parts: "Voting Turnout " and "Voting Choice". Each of them explores the major factors affecting Voting behaviors such as "Party Identity"; " Candidate Evaluation " and " Government Performance ",and how it affects this Voting behavior. The study found that in terms of "Party Identity", the KMT and the DPP have voted to participate, and the KMT identities are less willing to participate in the voting. In the Voting Choice, the two parties still have influence, but Some of the KMT’s identities will vote for other parties. In the " Candidate Evaluation " the more voters prefer a candidate, the more they tend to vote. In voting, compared to Wen-Zhe Ke, voters who like Sheng-Wen Lian are more inclined to vote for their support. Finally, in the " Government Performance ", neither the local nor the central government performance will affect the voter's voting turnout. In the voting choice, only the local governance performance has an impact. When the voters are dissatisfied with the performance of the government, the more they tend to vote the candidates outside the ruling party.


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