  • 學位論文


Political and Trade Relations between Argentina and China from 2002 to 2011; and Their Impact on Trade Relations with Taiwan

指導教授 : 白方濟


本研究分析了2002年至2011年間阿根廷和中國之政治與商業關係的發展及演變;時間點包括中國在整體拉丁美洲尤其是阿根廷拓展其政治實力和經濟能力─特別是中國從2001年12月11日正式加入世界貿易組織─並鞏固在南美洲的第二大貿易夥伴─此外還開始一種獲得戰略關係的連結─。 這緊密的雙邊關係由各類專家進行分析檢查,尤其是在不同論點的基礎上,所觀察到有利及有害的層面並強調可行的機會以及察覺到潛在的威脅。 此一時期剛開始正好遇到台灣、澎湖、金門和馬祖(中國台北)與國際機構爭取個別關稅領域(2002年1月1日),也是民進黨執政的階段直到2008年─國民黨重新取得執政權─;不同方法的對外政策操作對其與阿根廷間的發展有直接影響。 此外,在阿根廷因當時嚴重的經濟、社會和政治危機爆發,導致當時的阿根廷總統於2001年12月20日辭職─因政府制度危機的環境下導致12天內有5位總統卸任─以及放棄阿根廷貨幣發行局所建立的規則,在法律上以1披索兌1美元的匯率的制度。 此研究建立在一個中國和台灣與阿根廷之間的關係的正式框架下;演變、特點、政治以及商業關係的程度與都在中國發展背景下達到互相依賴的不對稱的貿易─在一個緊密的策略合作關係之改變的環境下─與台灣的貿易關係。 上述的分析基礎推測了這雙邊交流的原因不應歸因於中國的因素而是因為沒有任何形式上的障礙;然而這兩個不同且具有內部意義的主題(台灣及福克蘭群島)在戰略合作關係、緊密政治關係以及互惠關係已經成為深化在阿根廷與各國政府方法。 儘管如此,貿易互補性與多元化的必要性出口市場都是允許布宜諾斯艾利斯和台北之間貿易關係正常化的可能情況;不用擔心北京的成功及建立在此框架上的利益。


阿根廷 臺灣 中國 政治關係 貿易 互賴 戰略關係


The present research document analyzes the development and evolution of political and commercial ties between Argentina and China from 2002 to 2011. During this period –after China’s formal entry into the World Trade Organization on December 11, 2001 - China displayed all its political clout and economic power among Latin American countries, particularly in Argentina, and became the second South American trading partner. And its links with some countries reached the level of strategic relationships. Considering different arguments, various specialists, who observed the beneficial and harmful aspects of the close bilateral relationship, highlighted its opportunities and warned about its potential threats. The beginning of the period of analysis coincides with Taiwan’s entry to the international body (1 January 2002) under the name Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu (Chinese Taipei) and when the Democratic Progressive Party ruled the government until 2008 when the Kuomintang Party returns to the power. Different forms of foreign policy were applied and this affected the development of the cross-strait relations, and have side effects in the relationship with Argentina. Meanwhile, within Argentina broke out the worst economic, social and political crisis that led to the resignation of Argentine President on December 20, 2001. The institutional crisis resulted in having five presidents within 12 days and the end of the convertibility status which fixed the currency exchange at 1 peso = 1 U.S. dollar. The study is focused on understanding the general framework for the relationship between China and Taiwan with Argentina, their evolution, characteristics, and the political and trade relation level achieved. These links evolved in a context of asymmetric trade relation with China and trade relations with Taiwan, and in changing cross-strait relation strategies. As a result, it is possible to infer that the causes, which limit the bilateral exchange, should not be attributed to the China factor since there were not obstacles. However, the strategic relations, the close political ties and the reciprocity to demonstrate support to two different but significant issues (Taiwan and Malvinas) have been strengthening and deepening the Argentinean State Policy among different governments. Nevertheless, the trade complementarity and the need to diversify export markets allow to conclude that there are conditions to normalizing trade ties between Buenos Aires and Taipei; without risking the achievements in the relations with Beijing under a regulatory framework that provides a limited range of action.


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