  • 學位論文

台灣電子競技產業發展之未來圖像探討 -以英雄聯盟遊戲為例

An Investigation on the Future Image of Taiwan's Industry Development -A Resaerch on League of Legend Games

指導教授 : 陳瑞貴


電子競技源起於20世紀末。其興起與網際網路技術的成熟有密切的關係,是一種結合了資訊技術、競技性與娛樂性而成的複合式數位娛樂產業。2012年,台灣電競產業迎來一波高速發展期,台灣隊伍「台北暗殺星(Taipei Assassins, TPA)」於熱門遊戲英雄聯盟項目擊敗韓國隊伍,取得世界大賽冠軍。全隊在奪冠後與中華民國電子競技推廣協會一同拜會立法院,台灣政府及朝野各黨團則以允諾「電競選手可服替代役」回應,此構想於2017年獲得實現。2018年,電競被認定為運動項目,成為雅加達亞運的示範項目,讓業界無不歡聲雷動。電競想更進一步成為奧運項目,確在數月後遭到國際奧林匹克委員會(International Olympic Committee, IOC)認定有違背奧運精神之疑慮而拒之門外,再度掀起對於電競內涵的討論。近幾年電競產業的發展可謂突飛猛進,對台灣來說,十年或是二十年後,當現在的電競族群便會成為市場的消費主力,如果現在不把握住優勢,再過數年發展後,電競產業是否適合台灣發展? 本研究旨在探討電競產業的發展要素,藉由訪問電競產業相關專家以及人士,針對目前在台灣發展逾7年的遊戲英雄聯盟項目探討其對於電競產業的影響及深層意涵,最後使用雙變相情節分析法去發展出台灣電競產業的未來圖像,並根據情節分析中的未來圖像,對電競產業的未來發展提出相關意見。


The e-sports industry gains its popularity and undergoes several transformations in this decade. Thanks to the advance of Internet technologies, such composites industry brought to the world at the end of the twentieth century mixes competitiveness, entertainment and digital technology together. In the 2018 Asian Games in Jakarta, e-sports was recognized as an official sport and became a demonstration sport. While E-sports companies around the world cheered for the progress, e-sports was rejected by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) from becoming an Olympic Sports because it violates the Olympic spirit. This news has again aroused heated debates on the content of e-sports. The e-sports industry is advancing by leaps and bounds these years in Taiwan. The rapid growing of it has to do with the excellent performance of Taipei Assassins (TPA). In 2012, TPA has defeated a Korean team and came first in the League of Legends World Championship. After winning the game, the team visited the Legislative Yuan with the Chinese Taipei e-Sports Association to discuss the future of Taiwan’s e-sports. The government promised that “e-sports players can take the alternative military service,” which was realized in 2017. After ten or twenty years, the members of current e-sports community will become the main force of consumption. If Taiwan does not grasp such opportunities and advantages to develop the e-sports industry, do we have the second chance? This research aims at exploring the factors affecting the development of the e-sports industry. I will investigate League of Legend’s transformation and its influence on the e-sports industry during the past seven years. After interviewing relevant experts and people in the industry, I will apply the double variable scenario analysis method to discuss the future of Taiwan’s e-sports industry and provide suggestions based on the future images in the scenario analysis.


E-sports Professional sports Future image


