  • 學位論文


The Study of Russian Steel Industry and Its Development Strategy

指導教授 : 魏百谷


俄羅斯產量位居全球第四,也是影響全球鋼價的重要生產國,自1998年金融危機之後直到2005年,俄羅斯的鋼鐵產量保持成長的趨勢,也是該產業的恢復成長期,其國內的競爭優勢與國外競爭的關係為何?此為本文的研究動機,本文之研究目的為:(一)俄羅斯鋼鐵產業發展之現況為何? (二)俄羅斯鋼鐵產業之發展策略為何?(三)北方鋼鐵集團(Severstal Group)之發展策略為何? 本論文係主要探討俄羅斯鋼鐵產業及其發展策略,以文獻分析法、訪談法、歸納分析法、比較分析法以及個案分析法作為本文之研究方法,並根據SWOT與鑽石模型理論分析其發展現況及其發展策略;再者,以集團策略分析北方鋼鐵之發展策略。本文研究結果如下:俄羅斯鋼鐵產業最主要競爭優勢的關鍵在於低生產成本,但相較於其他全球競爭者消耗了大量的勞動力、能源以及原料,生產方面缺乏投資,其發展策略最主要是從積極策略轉為多角化策略,此外,北方鋼鐵集團之集團策略係以鋼鐵核心事業為導向,其水平整合策略係擴大生產規模,運用全球策略併購國外的鋼鐵企業,以增加其區位優勢,藉以接近消費市場,並經由世界鋼鐵動態諮詢公司(World Steel Dynamics)與各國的競爭力比較得知其集團化程度最佳,但仍舊缺乏對於企業內部的投資。


俄羅斯 鋼鐵 SWOT 鑽石模型 集團策略


Russia’s steel and iron production has ranked 4th in the world, making her a significant player that can easily affect the global price of steel and iron. Ever since the financial crisis it faced in 1998 up till the year 2005, Russia’s steel and iron production has shown a steady growth. Thus the relationship between the industry’s domestic competitive advantages and its international performance would be the main motive of this research article. The article will tackle the following points: (1) the current developmental status of the Russian steel and iron industry, (2) the developmental strategy undertaken by the industry and (3) the developmental strategy adopted by the Severstal Group. The main focus of the article is to examine the Russian steel and iron industry and its developmental strategy, thus the article has chosen literature analysis, interview, induction analysis, comparative analysis and the case study approach for this purpose. The goal of this article would be achieve by using the aforementioned approaches along with SWOT and the Diamond model. To analyze Severstal Group’s developmental strategy, the article has chosen the corporate strategy analysis as the diagnostic tool. The article came to the following conclusions: the Russian steel and iron industry’s primary competitive edge lies within its low production cost. However, compared to the rest of the global competitors, it has also spent a much higher amount of labor, energy and raw materials. With regards to the industry’s production, it lacked investment; and its active strategies have been replaced with diversification strategies. As for the Severstal Group, it appeared that the group has chosen a corporate strategy that is steel and iron-centered oriented, along with a horizontal integration strategy that involves expanding the scale of production. The Severstal Group has utilized global strategies that placed itself in the position to merge with foreign steel and iron corporations, which gave it leverage in foreign sectors and brought it closer to the consumer market. Through World Steel Dynamics(WSD) and a comparison in competitiveness between contenders from other countries, the Severstal Group has demonstrated the optimal group process; though it still has to tackle the issue of investment shortage within the corporate itself


Russia Steel and Iron SWOT Diamond Model Corporate Strategy


1. Committee on Economic Studies of International Iron Steel Institute. “Steel Statistical Yearbook 2003. ” Brussels: International Iron Steel Institute, 2003.
2. Committee on Economic Studies of International Iron Steel Institute. “Steel Statistical Yearbook 2004.” Brussels: International Iron Steel Institute, 2004.
3. Committee on Economic Studies of International Iron Steel Institute. “Steel Statistical Yearbook 2005.” Brussels: International Iron Steel Institute, 2005.
8. World Trade Organization. “Chapter 2: The Agreements.” Geneva: World Trade Organization, 2005.
9. Северсталь.“Миссия.”2005. (21 January 2005).


