  • 學位論文


A case study of the effect on repurchasing intentions from product characteristic, aftersales service quality and brand image -- The Automobile Industry

指導教授 : 曾義明


台灣的汽車市場是一個淺碟型市場,品牌業者眾多、競爭激烈,各家廠商若沒達到規模經濟,則獲利不易。而近幾年受到人口外移減少及大眾運輸工具逐漸發展完善等影響,使得新車的銷售量成長有限,且有呈現逐年下滑趨勢。各家汽車業者因此轉而關注於維持已保有客戶的服務商機上,以期維持獲利不墜。 根據研究,吸引新顧客的成本約為保留現有顧客成本的5倍,而降低顧客流失率5%,則利潤可提高25%到85%。目前台灣汽車市場車齡達10年以上車輛,2009年底計有250.4萬輛,因此如何在可預期的售後服務市場契機及龐大換車潮商機下,增加顧客回流的再購意願以提升企業競爭力及獲利能力,是未來汽車業廠商應該詳加研究了解的經營策略方向。 本研究以發放問卷調查的方式,針對台北地區的小客車使用駕駛者為研究對象,探討汽車產品特性、售後服務品質及品牌形象對顧客再購意願之影響。共計發放問卷221份,有效回收樣本211份。 經使用SPSS統計軟體進行實證分析後,形成以下結論: 1.產品特性對再購意願有顯著影響—產品特性面經因素分析歸納為 三個因子,分別為「基本使用需求」、「良好操控性」、「經濟 性因素」,皆對再購意願有顯著影響。 2.售後服務品質對再購意願無顯著影響—售後服務品質面經因素分 析歸納為三個因子,分別為「基本服務要求」、「便利性服 務」、「合理性價格」,皆對再購意願沒有顯著影響。 3.品牌形象對再購意願有顯著影響—品牌形象面經因素分析歸納為 「品牌形象認知」因子,對再購意願有顯著影響。


Taiwan's auto market is a shallow market, in a lot of brand industry, and competition. Individual manufacturers who did not reach the Economies of scale, the profit is not easy. By emigration in recent years to reduce and gradually developed public transportation and other effects, making the new car sales growth is limited, and there has been declining trend. According to the study, the cost of attracting new customers to retain existing customers costs about 5 times, and reduce customer churn rate of 5%, the profit can be increased by 25% to 85%. In Taiwan’s car market, more than 10 years old vehicles were 2.504 million, at the end of 2009. The automobile manufacturers should to know . In this study, questionnaire survey released for using the passenger car drivers in Taipei area as the research object of automotive product characteristic, after sales service quality and brand image on purchase intention. A total of 221 questionnaires, 211 valid samples. Following are the conclusions: 1.Product characteristic for significant impact on repurchase intention - Product characteristic summarized by three factors,namely the "basic use of demand","good control",and "economic factors",all of the significant impact on repurchase intention. 2.After Sales Service quality of no significant effect on repurchase intention - After Sales Service quality grouped into three factors, namely the "basic service requirements", "convenience services", "reasonable price", are not of significant impact on repurchase intention. 3.The brand image of the significant impact of repurchase intention - Brand image plane by factor analysis summed up as "brand image" factor, has significant impact on repurchase intention.


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