  • 學位論文


Juxtaposed Realities: Heterotopias in the Chinese Translation of Haruki Murakami’s Novels

指導教授 : 鄭晃二


本論文的目的是探究村上春樹長篇小說中的空間感、療癒感並以讀者觀點解讀空間含意。在台灣,即使讀者數眾,研究村上春樹的論文卻僅有40多篇,尤其缺乏空間面向探討,本研究認為村上春樹小說具有明確的空間感,期望從空間角度擴展村上春樹的研究面向。 本研究以十三部長篇小說為文本範圍,透過文本細讀、文獻探討與理論視角詮釋等方法分析文本,並主要關注小說中的異質空間。於第三章內容分析部分第一節闡述小說世界的邏輯;第二節分析空間的類型、移動模式及儀式動作;第三節指出小說中具有的七種曖昧的價值界線。研究成果有以下幾點發現: 1. 村上春樹小說的空間感來自於不斷移動的過程、以及身體姿勢的改變。日常儀式與閾限儀式中的五感、動作描寫創造了家屋以及療癒感,使讀者擁有了新的家屋記憶。 2. 村上春樹小說帶有多種價值並列的特質,不同時代、人群的觀點同時存在於小說中。 3. 村上春樹小說中,希臘悲劇之精神不斷被提及。主角在「力」之運用上以充裕自我力量、實行抵抗卻不企圖壓倒他人為主,使力之消長達到一種動態平衡的狀態。 研究過程中發現小說呈現之諸多價值觀與傅柯、尼采、海德格、鄂蘭、卡繆、弗洛姆、榮格等人有相似之處,如力與意志的想法、對善惡及罪罰的定義、關注希臘悲劇意識、運用二元並置的概念以及強調日常動作之於存在的關聯等。這些學者的觀點具有一脈相承或互相影響的關係,其與村上作品的相似處或許可延伸發展,作為未來研究的切入點。


村上春樹 空間 異質空間 小說


The purpose of this thesis is to explore the sense of space and healing in novels of Haruki Murakami and to interpret the significance of the space. In Taiwan, there are only less than fifty theses about Haruki Murakami even though many people read his book. The researcher thinks that Haruki Murakami’s novels have a clear sense of space and expects to expand the research approach from the space. This research uses the methods of text reading, literature reviewing and literary theories to analyze the text on research of thirteen novels, mainly focus on the Heterotopias in these novels; discuss the logic and values of novel, and analyze the space typology, movement mode and ritual action, and point out the seven types of ambiguous of boundary value in novel. The results are shown below: 1. The sense of space in Haruki Murakami’s novels comes from the process of continuous movement and changing the position of body. The five senses, daily actions and liminality ritual descriptions create a sense of house and also sense of healing to make the reader have their memory of new house. 2. Haruki Murakami ’s novels brings many types of value trait, different era, point of view of crowds exist at the same time in novels. 3. The spirit of Greek tragedy is kept mentioning in Haruki Murakami’s novels. The protagonist has abundance of ego - strength in the use of power, and try to find a counter weight to against violence but make no attempt to suppress others. The similarity values have been shown among Michel Foucault, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger, Hannah Arendt, Erich Fromm, Carl Gustav Jung and others in this research process, such as the idea of power and will, the definition of good and evil , crime and punishment, the consciousness in attention of Greek tragedy, and emphasize the connection between being exist and daily actions and others. The similarity could probably be extended for development, as a key point for future research.


Haruki Murakami space Heterotopias novel


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艾柯 (Umberto Eco)著,黃寤蘭譯《悠遊小說林》(Six Walks In The Fictional Woods),臺北:時報文化出版社,2000
索雅 (Edward William Soja)著、王志弘、張華蓀、王玥民等譯,《第三空間》 (Thirdspace),臺北:桂冠,2004
──,劉北成、楊遠嬰譯,《瘋癲與文明》(Madness and civilization: a history of insanity in the Age of Reason),臺北:桂冠,1992
