  • 學位論文


A Study of Contemporary Russia's Cultural Policy

指導教授 : 魏百谷 馬良文


文化議題伴隨著經濟起飛、科技發展的腳步受到全球關注,文化產業發展對民眾的生活日益重要。台灣文建會在2012年5月改制為文化部,主要目的在於解決台灣文化面臨人力及資源的困境,將政府組織中分散的文化事務予以整合,同時期望營造豐富的文化生活環境,激發保存文化資產意識,提昇國民人文素養。俄羅斯地處歐亞交界,文化歷史源遠流長,文化藝術於海外各國間亦享有盛名。 俄國文化史遠自9世紀起,歷經12世紀蒙古統治時期、18世紀彼得大帝的西化政策、蘇聯時期單一化文化,直到解體後的當代文化。本文透過對文化史的認識,來瞭解蘇聯解體前後文化政策的轉變。同時藉由閱讀俄國官方文件,如:俄羅斯文化基本法等,輔以網站、新聞等相關資料,針對當代文化政策進行研究。 本文研究發現為,蘇聯解體前後文化政策理念的轉變為,由封閉轉為開放,由單一化轉為多元化;蘇聯解體後,政府對於文化遺產的保存極為重視,「聯邦計畫『俄羅斯文化』」第二階段的實施投入了許多資金在這部分,而正在施行的第三階段亦延續相同的理念;另外,「俄羅斯文化基本法」雖然強調,要減少國家在文化領域的干涉程度,然而由文化部每段期間所推出的文化推動方案,不難看出俄國當局在文藝活動上仍有極大的影響力。


The MOC works to create an environment in which cultural activities thrive, where cultural heritage is preserved and people – regardless of background or status – have opportunities to express themselves culturally. Russia has a long cultural history and is renowned for its culture and arts. This history has undergone a long evolutionary process, from its origins way back in the 9th century, to 12th century Mongolian rule, and all the way upto today’s post-Soviet contemporary culture. Through a close examination of Russian cultural history, this study looks at change in Russian cultural policy before and after the collapse of the Soviet Union. To do so, it draws on various sources, including the Basic Law of the Russian Federation on Culture, as well as related websites and news articles. This study found that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the concept of cultural policy changed from closed to open, from homogeneous to diverse. The Russian government began to place great emphasis on Russian cultural heritage, and started to channel considerable funds into this area through the “Culture of Russia” Federal Target Programme. Although it states otherwise, the Russian government today remains a major influence in Russian cultural activities.


“World Heritage List”, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, available from (18.01.2013)
