  • 學位論文


Influence of YouTube Video Marketing Style on Purchase Intention:Taking a Sneaker Brand as an Example

指導教授 : 李順發


現今網路快速發展帶動社群媒體崛起,社群媒體行銷也日漸興盛,YouTube是現今最受歡迎的社群媒體之一,企業品牌與YouTuber合作,撰寫業配文、拍攝業配影片已然成為不少商家品牌端所選擇的行銷手法之一,而行銷的最終目的是為了達成消費者購買的行為,故本研究希望能夠經由問卷調查了解影片行銷風格對於消費者購買意願是否有影響,並且加入消費者特徵,研究哪一些消費者因素會影響對於影片風格的偏好。   本研究以運動鞋品牌為例,利用問卷調查,將消費者特徵區分成21項,並使用SPSS統計軟體分析其特徵與兩種影片風格,是否存在購買意願的顯著性差異,結果顯示有九個消費者特徵出現顯著性差異,其中有七個觀看娛樂型風格影片的購買意願較高,分別是女性、26歲以上、每月治裝費1000元以下、月收入2萬元以上、居住於北部或南部、每月出遊次數2次以下、每日觀看YouTube 1~2小時;另外兩個則是觀看專業型風格影片的購買意願較高,分別是願付價格3000元以上以及居住在中部地區,代表整體而言娛樂型風格的業配較可以提高消費者的購買意願。


社群媒體 YouTuber 業配 購買意願


Recently social media marketing is very popular on the internet. YouTube is considered to be one of the most representative platform for general use. On YouTube most companies use YouTuber marketing to promote sales or brand awareness. This research tries to study which style of video produced by YouTuber can increase consumer purchase intention. Moreover, we divide the sample into different consumer characteristics to revisit the influence of video marketing style.  The main research method in this dissertation is questionnaire survey and SPSS software is the tool for analysis. We also classify video marketing style into 2 categories (entertainment and professional) and consumer characteristics into 21 categories. We find that there are significant differences between the two kind of video marketing styles in 9 categories. As for entertainment video, there are higher purchase intentions in 7 categories which are female, over 26 years old, less than 1,000 NT dollars apparel expense, more than 20,000 NT dollars income per month, living in the north or south of Taiwan, less than 2 times travel per month, and watch YouTube for 1-2 hours per day. As for professional video, there are higher purchase intentions in 2 categories which are more than 3,000 NT dollars willingness to pay and live in the middle of Taiwan.


Social media YouTuber advertorial Purchase Intention


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