  • 學位論文


Effects of Tax Withholding Position and MoralDevelopmenton the Behavioral Intentions of Tax Filing: the Explanation of Prospect Theory and Theory of Planned Behavior.

指導教授 : 顏信輝




In most of the literature discussing the effect of tax withholding position on the behavioral intentions of tax filing, taxpayers have the tendency of tax evasion when they face the tax payments rather than the tax refunds. In this study, we take tax withholding position, income types and moral development into consideration to explore taxpayers’ behavioral intentions of tax filing. We also capture the attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavior control of taxpayers with the theory of planned behavior and combined with payments or refunds condition and moral development, to explain the taxpayers’ behavioral intentions. There are 120 valid samples in this study and our subjects are the four collages’ master students and their parents in the north, central, and south in Taiwan. The result shows that tax withholding position, income types and moral development will all influence the intention of taxpayers. Further discovery reveals that under income types of high detection rate, the subjects’ tax filing behavioral intentions are not affected by tax withholding position. Only when the income types belong to low detection rate category will the subjects be affect by their tax withholding position. Also, the theory of planned behavior is proved to be capable of explaining the taxpayers’ behavioral intentions.


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