  • 學位論文


The Puerto Ricans in New York State

指導教授 : 陳小雀


波多黎各是位於加勒比海最東邊的群島,具有拉丁美洲、加勒比海及美國大陸客運、貨運和服務業轉運中心的角色。一八九八年美西戰爭後,波多黎各成為一美國自由聯邦,波多黎各人民雖擁有美國公民身分,但卻未能享有完整的權利。 因為經濟因素,迫使波多黎各島上居民移往美國本土,由於距離及工作地點的便利性,大部分波多黎各人選擇在紐約定居。本論文透過歷史分析法,再加以用數據和圖表的統計資料佐證分析其分布與現況、環境融合與就業市場、社會地位與人權問題等,最後歸納出波多黎各移民的西語文化對紐約州的整體影響。 紐約集合了所有重要族裔的移民,二ΟΟ四年,紐約市長彭博創立了「移民歷史周」,這場盛會除介紹各族裔的移民史外,也表揚對紐約市有貢獻的移民,包羅萬象的活動中可以看出紐約市這個民族大熔爐的縮影,也顯示出美國人對各少數族裔的包容與重視。 研究結果發現,波多黎各移民是西語裔移民當中最貧窮的一群,因貧窮所衍生出的種種問題,更有待美國政府與波多黎各移民共同面對和解決。


The island of Puerto Rico is the most eastern island of the Caribbean Sea. It is between United States and Latin America. It is also the transfer center of the passenger transport, freight transport and service industry. After the Spanish-American War of 1898, Puerto Ricans became U.S. citizens, but they do not have the complete citizenship. Puerto Ricans migrated to the U.S. mainland because of their poor economy. Most of them have settled in New York is due to the short distance and the work place. The main theme of the thesis is to investigate where the Puerto Ricans reside in New York State, what they do, how their life is and what problem they meet by the historical analytic method. And then conclude that the Puerto Rican Spanish culture influence New York. Many kinds of races from all over the world are gathered in New York. Immigrant History Week, established by New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg in 2004, is a tribute to diverse heritage and the contributions of immigrants in the City of New York. A wonderful array of events during this week will explore the rich immigrant identity in New York City. By this activity, we can see the Americans respect those minorities. Finally, Puerto Rican Americans are the most poorest among the Hispanics. U.S. government and the Puerto Ricans should face the problem and resolve it together.


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