  • 學位論文


The study of Hun-Yun’s poetry adopted by the latter poets in Tang and Sung dynasty

指導教授 : 李正治 高柏園


韓愈的研究,傳統上都圍繞在「文」與「道」的議題為主,至於其詩歌的研究較為晚出,數量也不如韓文。晚近雖然在質量方面均有所提昇,但主要的研究議題與方法還是圍繞在傳統的研究方法與範疇,如韓愈的身世與仕宦生涯對他的詩歌創作之關係、社會文化思想與韓詩之關係、韓愈詩歌與個人文、道主張之關係等,雖頗有用功精深之作,但在方法上卻未有突破。因此,本文採取歷史的縱向與橫向的觀察,期望能由接受的角度,經由讀者主動的立場與判斷,勾勒出韓愈詩歌在唐宋的發展圖像。 本文共分六章: 第一章為緒論,說明寫作緣由與動機,檢討前人的相關研究之得失,並論述寫作方法與接受美學在本文的使用說明。第二章討論韓愈詩歌的創作技巧、思想與藝術特徵,目的在於對韓愈詩歌的「本文」特徵定調,以作為接受的「本文」基礎,而讓之後接受者有一個可以進入「期待視野」並進行評價的對象。第三章討論中唐社會環境與韓愈詩歌的研究,主要集中在韓愈從事文學活動的前後時期之社會現象的分析,藉以建構一個中唐的「期待視野」,並進行韓詩效果史的研究。然而本時期韓詩的發展條件尚未成熟,接受現象並不普遍。第四章討論晚唐五代社會文化環境與韓愈詩歌的接受,本章在方法上同於第三章,但在社會文化與政治現實的轉變下,促使韓詩有了更大的接受空間與條件,本章可視為韓詩接受的轉折期。第五章討論宋代的文化環境與韓愈詩歌接受,在宋代對道統重建的殷切期盼下,韓詩夾雜「道」的內涵為根基,不斷在爭論中被深化與接受,並對宋代學術產生深厚的影響,可謂韓詩接受的高峰期。第六章為結論,總結本文的研究成果與提出韓詩接受研究的未來展望。 本文期望能由接受的角度,經由讀者主動的立場勾勒出韓愈詩歌在唐宋的的發展圖像。本文除了希望透過韓愈詩歌的接受,觀察各時期韓詩地位的變化外,也期待韓詩的接受像是一面多角的菱鏡,能從中折射、反應各時期的詩歌主流風貌,所以本文除了針對韓詩的接受討論外,也用了許多篇幅比較韓詩與其他詩歌在同一個時空環境下的接受情況,將文學史還原。


Traditionally, the study of is focused on wen and dao .Compared with the study of the his poetry, the quantity is not only lesser but time is much latter. Though, the quality has improved a lot about the study of the Han-Yun’s poetry, the main subject and methodology are still focused on traditional category, nowadays, for instance, the relationship between Han-Yun’s background as a official administrant and his creation of the poetry, cultural impact at that time and his poetry, and the concern with wen and dao in his poetry. These studies really impress us a lot but they don’t have any paradigm shift in methodology. Therefore, this essay will adopt the model of crossing the history to observe the whole process, and anticipates through the angle of the acceptance to sketch the outline about the Han-Yun’s poetry developed in Tang and Sung dynasty by reader’s free-will angle and judgment. This essay has six chapters. The first chapter is general introduction about the subject and motivation. It also reviews the advantages and disadvantages of the related studies about Han-Yun and discusses the way of writing, the explanation of using acceptance of aesthetics in this essay as well. Chapter two discusses the creation technique of Han-Yun’s poetry and characteristic of his idea of art. The purpose is to define the characteristic of his poetry in this essay to be the base of the acceptance , and let the accepter has the target to enter to the anticipated horizon and evaluate the subject. The chapter three discusses the social circumstances and the study of Han-Yun’s poetry in Mid-Tang dynasty. It focuses on the analysis of former and latter social phenomenon of Han-Yun’s literature activities to construct an anticipated horizon in Mid-Tang Dynasty and proceeds the study of the effective history of Han-Yun’s poetry. The chapter four mainly discusses the social-cultural acceptance of Han-Yun’s poetry in late 5th generation. In this chapter the model is as the same as the chapter two. Under the conversion of politic and social circumstances, it provided the space and conditions to accept Han-Yun’s poetry. Therefore, this chapter can be regarded as climacteric of the acceptance of Han-Yun’s poetry. The chapter five deals with the cultural circumstances and acceptance of Han-Yun’s poetry in Sung dynasty. Under the circumstances of being eager for rebuilding the paradigm shift, Han-Yun’s poetry which combined the contents based in dao was generally accepted in disputation, and caused a great impact and influence in academia. In this case, it could be called the peak time of acceptance of Han-Yun’s poetry. The chapter six is the conclusion, it concludes the achievements of the study and advances the expectation of the study of Han-Yun’s poetry adopted by the latter poets in Tang and Sung dynasty. Through the angle of the acceptance to sketch the outline about the Han-Yun’s poetry developed in Tang and Sung dynasty by reader’s free-will angle and judgment is the main purpose of this essay. Apart from observing the change of the Han-Yun’s poetry in different time, it also anticipates that the acceptance is like a prism so it can reflects the main stream of the poetry in different time. In addition, this essay discusses the acceptance of the Han-Yun’s poetry, it also adopts many different poetry compared with the Han-Yun’s poetry at the same time to examine the acceptance under the same circumstances and attempt to restore the history of the literature.





