  • 學位論文


A Study of the Learning Process and Effectiveness of Applying Problem-based Learning Model on Qualitative Research Course

指導教授 : 施如齡


質性研究在教育領域的應用,正在推廣並逐步地受到重視。然而,當質性研究漸形重要,「質性研究的初探者」(意指「質性研究」領域的入門者,在本研究中特指修讀「質化研究入門」課程的學生)卻明顯地有認知不足的現象,使得質性研究論文的產出,品質良莠不齊。有鑑於此,本研究欲藉著問題導向學習(Problem-based Learning,簡稱PBL)的模式進行課程設計,引導學習者有計劃的進行研究設計、資料蒐集與分析,等各個步驟的研究工作,進而整合成「研究型問題導向學習」(Research Problem-based Learning,簡稱RPBL),以資提升研究者完成各項研究工作的效率。 「研究型問題導向學習」模式包含七大步驟,分別是:提出問題、辨別問題、定義問題、探索、解決方法、討論、評鑑。再依據這七大步驟設計各單元的學習內容和學習任務。課程實施於淡江大學九十六學年度下學期開設之「質化研究入門」課程,而修讀該課程之學習者則為此次實驗教學之對象。並以Bloom(1956)所歸類的認知、情意、技能三類教育目標對應七個單元的學習目標並設計雙向細目表。而學習者在學習成效的評鑑上則採取自我評鑑、同儕評鑑、教學者評鑑等方式,瞭解其學習歷程,觀察研究對象在RPBL課程的學習成效。 「研究型問題導向學習」之課程設計輔以觀察、拍照、紀錄,學習單、課後訪談資料,以深入瞭解課堂師生互動情形和學習者的反應,呈現學生的學習成效與學習歷程。研究結果發現學習者在KSA方面:以活動為導向的課程使學習者的認知歷程隨著課程深入有顯著地成長;學習者的情意表現從一開始對學習任務的抗拒與排斥,至最後能夠適應並創作出個人的研究內容;學習者在技能表現上,已能善用手邊的工具與資源蒐集資料並回答研究問題。這充分展現RPBL模式的教學有其教學成效。


The use of qualitative research in the education domain is gradually gaining attention. However, novice for qualitative research has insufficient knowledge that the quality of their research thesis often needs more improvement. In view of this, this research use Problem-Based Learning (PBL) instructional model to design the Qualitative Research Course and generate a Research Problem-Based Learning (RPBL) process to guide students through the research process. It is hoped that researchers can complete research work more effectively, and their cognitive, affective, and skill levels in conducting qualitative research can be improved. There are seven steps for RPBL, which include Pose Problem, Identify Problem, Define Problem, Exploration, Solution, Discussion and Evaluation. Learning content and tasks are designed accordingly. The instructional design was implemented in the “Introduction to Qualitative Research” course in Tamkang University. Bloom’s (1956) education objectives are used for the design of a two-way table as the heuristics for evaluation. From class observation, activities photo taking, video recording, and after-class interviews as well as worksheets, researcher gain in-depth understanding of the students’ performance, social interaction, and response in the process of learning.The results show that students’ cognitive performance grow along the progress of course, and their affective condition change from resistance to adaptation and creation, that their skills performance show they can make the best use of hand tools and resources to collect information to answer research questions. This has fully demonstrated RPBL mode has positive effects on teaching and learning.


林銀英(2006)。快速取得各學科領域的研究績效及評比資料「Essential Science Indicators-ESI」資料庫。國立台灣大學醫學院圖書分館館訊,84,19-21。


