  • 學位論文


Exploring the learning effects of using different digital tools to assist college students in group learning

指導教授 : 王怡萱


隨著科技不斷創新,人們學習的型態和方式也跟著不斷改變。為了提升學生的學習動機,老師必須運用各種不同的教材、設備以及教學方式,來提升學生對於課程學習的意願,並進一步提高學生的學習滿意度與學習成效。而本研究將以Facebook社團與iClass數位學習平台進行實驗,藉以了解不同類型的數位工具,對輔助大學生進行課後小組學習之影響,並針對本次研究所提出之問題,給予具體建議。 本研究之研究對象為新北市某私立大學大學部二年級學生,共計兩班,人數合計為114人。兩班學生均由同一位教師授課,並以小組方式進行課程學習,實驗時間為18週。兩班分組方式皆採自由分組方式進行分組,以每組4到6人為限。A班學生人數48人,共分10組;B班學生人數66人、共分12組。由於本研究主要是以課後討論為主,因此兩班學生必須按照研究者設計之每週進度學習單所列出的學習任務在指定的數位工具中回報進度,並針對期中報告與期末報告之內容進行小組討論。而使用的數位工具為A班學生使用Facebook社群網站之社團專頁、B班學生則使用iClass學習平台的討論功能之各組討論區。 依據研究結果提出以下兩點結論: (一) 大學生使用iClass與Facebook輔助小組於課後進行學習活動對學習成效、學習意願以及學習滿意度均無顯著差異。 (二) 在學生的參與度與貢獻度方面,在使用Facebook的學生在參與度和貢獻度的同儕互評成績以期末分數優於期中分數;使用iClass的學生在參與度和貢獻度的同儕互評成績,則以期中分數優於期末分數。 根據上述結論提出以下兩點建議: (一) 建議Facebook之訊息通知做出分流,如:將社團訊息與非社團訊息分開顯示。將有助於提升使用者閱覽訊息的意願。 (二) 建議iClass網頁版與App版之功能選項能夠一致,並簡化操作介面的功能選項,減少使用者在操作過程中的不便,進而提高使用者的使用意願。


With the development of new technologies, the way and people’s learning styles were changed accordingly. For enhancing students’ learning motivation, teachers have to use different materials, devices, and instruction methods in their class, and hope those teaching adjustments help the students have better learning outcome and satisfaction. In this study, two different platforms, Facebook and iClass, were used to assist college students’ group learning taking place after school. The influences of using these two different platforms on students’ group learning were investigated. The participants of this study were 114 sophomores from two classes from a private university located in New Taipei City in Taiwan. These 114 students were taught by same teacher, and group learning was adopted in the class. The class was given once a week for 18 weeks. The group size is 4 to 6, and the participants could find their own group members. In class A, there were 48 students divided into 10 groups, and in Class B there were 66 students divided in to 12 groups. The main focus of this study is the group discussion; therefore, all the participants have to report the progress of every learning task and discuss their mid-term and final reports on the assigned platform (Facebook for Class A and iClass for Class B). The results indicated that there were no differences between two groups in learning outcomes, willingness, and satisfaction when different platforms (Facebook and iClass) were integrated into after school learning activities. For the levels of students’ participation and contributions, the students using Facebook have a better peer assessment scores in final than in mid-term, and those using iClass have a better peer assessment scores in mid-term than in final. According to the results, the researcher suggested that Facebook have to have a classification function; for example, information for the club should be identified and classified into club pool, and vice versa. This classification function will probably enhance users’ willingness toward reading the information posted on it. For the iClass, the researcher suggested that the user interface of PC version and app version should be consistent and simplified which will decrease the difficulties of using iClass, and thus improve user’ willingness of using the platform.


