  • 學位論文


Minimum Living Security System Research in Mainland China

指導教授 : 李志強


中國大陸自1979年改革開放以來,不管在GDP成長率還是是外匯存底排名等各項經濟資料,都有顯著的成績。但在漂亮的數字背後,也衍生出貧富差距擴大的問題。有關研究表明,貧富分化情況越嚴重,社會就越趨於不穩定,對中國大陸這個以黨領政、高度控制的國家來說,這是必需處理的情況,也因此孕育出「最低生活保障制度」(以下簡稱“低保”)這項福利政策。   “低保”是中國大陸社會救助體系下最基本的福利政策,源起於1993年由上海市開始實行,迄今已實施18年的時間。在這段期間內,已有超過上億位符合補助資格的民眾受到政府的救助,儘管每年接受補助的人數都穩定成長,但從整體政策制定、執行、監督機制等層面來看,還是有許多需要改進的部份。   本文採取比較分析途徑及文獻分析法,搜集相關資料進行研究分析,以瞭解中國大陸“低保”的演變過程,從中發現所面臨的問題,並期盼在研究的過程中,能瞭解以下設定議題: 1.政府如何解決“低保”運作下所產生的邊緣群體及福利依賴問題。 2.如何增加“低保”財政來源,使這項制度真正達到「應保盡保」的層次。 3.“低保”物件界定科學化及“低保”管理方式優化。   對於改善“低保”上,本文搜集國內外文獻資料、觀察中國大陸各地方政府施行情況及社會組織各案分析,本文得出以下想法: 1.社會保障制度在制定過程中,必須考量分配功能與一致性,不因對象身分不同而有所差異。 2.公共政策在規劃階段、實際執行上,可由中央與地方政府和社會組織一同合作執行;並且在實施上採取階段性實施,提出誘因,引起人民的關注及配合。 3.要使“低保”資金充裕,除了中央與地方的財政投入之外,更須完善社會捐助體系、充分發揮非營利組織募款的作用。 4.對“低保”的基層工作改善上,實行「滿意度調查」,建立起資料庫,藉此修正這項政策在實行上不適的地方。 關鍵字:最低生活保障制度、社會保障制度、福利依賴、邊緣群體


Since Mainland China was reformed and opened in 1979, regardless of the economic data in GDP growth rate or foreign exchange reserves ranked have significant results. However, under the spectacular growth figures, it represents the fact of widening gap between the richness and the poverty. Some studies show that the more serious division between the rich and the poor, the more instable community it would evolve. Concerning the government of Mainland China, it is leaded by Communist Party, which controls Mainland China severely. It is necessary to handle the situation and thus it gave birth to a welfare policy called"Minimum Living Security System" ("Minimum Security"). As for "Minimum Security ", it is the most basic welfare policy under the social assistance system in Mainland China. This system originated in 1993, introduced by Shanghai, where this policy has been implemented for 18 years so far. During this period, more than hundreds of millions of people are eligible for the aid in connection with this policy by the government. Although the number of people who meet the requirement to be granted is growing steadily every year, there is still room of improvement in implementation and supervision mechanism to “Minimum security” In this study, it is based on the approach to comparative analysis and literature analysis. By collecting of relevant information, research, analysis of Minimum Security in Mainland China, I would like to make an attempt to understand the evolution of this welfare system so as to discover the problems and look forward to understanding the following settings topic by the course of study. 1.How to solve the issue of marginalized groups and welfare dependence raised by “Minimum Security”? 2.How to increase the financial sources of "Minimum Security", to make the system truly achieve to its expectant effect? 3."Minimum security" objected definition in scientific and "Minimum security" management optimization. From this study, I draw four conclusions: 1.In the functional aspect, the social security must have the distribution function with consistency; in other words, the system would provide for all of people without considering the social scale of them. 2.Public policy could be operated by central and local government, as well as social organizations in planning and implementation stages.In addition, Implemental method choices must be implemented step by step and develop its incentives so that the policy could attract people's attention and cooperation. 3.In order to make the funds of "Minimum Security" abundant, it needs not only the central and local government financial input, but also the improvement on the social contribution system to give fully nonprofit organizations fundraising. 4.The "Minimum security" of the grassroots work to improve the implementation of "Satisfaction", and to establish a database to amend this policy in practice is not the place. Keywords: Minimum Living Security System, Social Security System, Welfare Dependency, Marginalized groups


13.Grameen Bank,網址:http://www.grameen-info.org/
一、 中文專書
1.王小章主編,《中國發達地區社會保障-來自浙江的報告》,(杭州市 : 浙江大學出版社,2007年)。


