  • 學位論文


All Is Not Gold(mine) That Glitters: Authenticity and Appropriation in Velvet Goldmine

指導教授 : 陳宜武


「原真忠實」一詞之含義影響我們對身分認同的理解與展演,故本論文欲以其概念閱讀並分析新酷兒電影《絲絨金礦》。 本論文試從電影類型公式、角色呈現、及歷史再現三方面來討論在《絲絨金礦》中「原真忠實」的概念是如何被挪移翻轉。導演陶德海尼斯大量挪用改寫主流電影敘事公式,藉以影響(或干擾)觀眾對電影敘事期待;導演翻修刻板同志角色,企圖藉刻板攻刻板;海尼斯更嘗試以非主流歷史觀點—愛滋病—回溯想像建構1970至1980年代之歷史場景。 如茱蒂斯巴特勒所言,異性戀霸權不斷地複製異性戀性別公式,並藉此宣稱其身份認同之(原)真(忠)實性,但其霸權結構所暴露的是異性戀身分認同並非是(原)真(忠)實的呈現,而是複製模仿「原真忠實」之概念。「原真忠實」的概念在《絲絨金礦》中不斷被翻轉挪移,就是要凸顯「原真忠實」是不停的展演公式,而非天生自然。若說主流(好萊塢)電影的敘事結構是依隨異性戀戀情發展而打造,則《絲絨金礦》以酷兒視角重新檢視與挪用公式,企圖呈現(新)酷兒(電影)敘事風格。 表單編號:ATRX-Q03-001-FM030-01


This present study attempts to read and analyze Velvet Goldmine, an exemplary work of New Queer Cinema, from notions of authenticity, as the word constantly has a hold over people’s constructing, making meaning, and performing of identities in everyday life. Authenticity is approached from three perspectives in the study: genre, character and history. First of all, I argue that generic conventions appropriated and revised strategically in the film are made to negotiate with spectatorial expectations towards overall narrative authenticity. Gay stereotypes, particularly gay men as sad young men and androgyny, are circumscribed in the film; however, the director, Todd Haynes, does not contrive to show some atypical gay characters. On the contrary, he tries to revamp gay stereotypes with which mainstream audience has been familiarized all the while. The AIDS pandemic drastically changes how identity and sexuality are to be comprehended by both the homosexual and the heterosexual after the outbreak of the pandemic in the 1980s. Nevertheless, the director does not intent to represent the past by reconstructing authentic historical scenes; rather, he contrives to restage the past through the cultural monument of the AIDS pandemic. Thereby, Haynes questions the ideal of retrieving historical authenticity throughout the film. By appealing to naturalness, genuineness, and trustworthiness, the heteronormative thus claims it to be the authentic identity. However, as Judith Butler points out, it is by compulsorily reiterating heteronormative norms that the heterosexual assumes its authenticity, which is more apparent than real. The notion of authenticity negotiated and challenged throughout Velvet Goldmine is to argue that authenticity is not a natural given but a series of performative acts that incessantly take place. 表單編號:ATRX-Q03-001-FM031-01


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Benshoff, Harry and Sean Griffin, eds. Queer Cinema: The Film Reader. New York: Routledge, 2004.
---, eds. Queer Images: A History of Gay and Lesbian Film in America. Lenham: Rowwan & Littlefield, 2006.
Bergman, David, ed. Camp Grounds: Style and Homosexuality. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1993.
Bristow, Joseph and Angelia R. Wilson, eds. Activating Theory: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual politics. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1993.
