  • 學位論文


The influence on consumer loyalty intention of NISSAN car after service satisfaction with the guanxi and brand equity as the mediator and moderator

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 張雍昇(Yong-Sheng Zhang)


由於整體環境變化,台灣的汽車市場逐漸趨於萎縮,近年更因景氣、環保等各項議題造成消費者購買汽車的欲望降低。如何在有限市場中追求資源精準投放,將是未來汽車產業經銷活動的重要課題。 本研究主要對象為NISSAN汽車車主,且接受過業者提供售後服務滿意的族群,藉此探討售後服務滿意對於顧客忠誠意願(再購意願和推薦意願)的影響,並且透過華人社會的關係及品牌權益等兩變項,分別作為中介及干擾變項,以了解顧客的忠誠意願是否會因其他因素所改變。 本研究係採用隨機取樣,針對台北地區NISSAN汽車回廠維修客戶進行問卷發放,回收有效問卷計317份,以迴歸分析進行假說驗證,及不同背景變項在售後服務滿意、品牌權益、關係與忠誠意願之差異分析。 本研究結果發現: 1. 售後服務、品牌權益、關係及忠誠意願彼此間均有正向關係。 2. 關係在售後服務滿意和忠誠意願影響間有部份中介效果。   3. 品牌權益在售後服務滿意和忠誠意願間無顯著干擾效果。 實務上之建議:   1.保有客戶管理及接觸,應建立於關懷的動機,藉由員工與客戶真誠的交流,建立關係,培養商機。   2.售後服務滿意能增進品牌權益及客戶忠誠,應更積極投入資源,提升軟硬體,讓客戶每次回廠保修,都是一次美好的服務體驗。   3.在業務人員召募時應將資歷背景列入考量,透過員工現有的人脈網路及關係,增進業務開展的契機。   4.在售後服務對顧客忠誠意願之影響上,品牌權益無干擾效果,顯示售後服務體系如何強化品牌管理,是未來一件重要工作


Due to the overall climate change, the Taiwan's car market gradually tends to shrink in recent years due to the economy, environmentalprotection and other issues caused by the decrease of desire of consumers’ buying cars. How to precisely deliver resources in the pursuit of a limited market will be an important issue for the future of the distribution activities in Taiwan automobile industry of NISSAN. The main target of this study is to explore the effect of after-service satisfaction on the NISSAN vehicle owners’ loyalty intentions what includes repurchase intentions and willingness to recommend, and through the guanxi of the Chinese community and brand equity variables respectively, as the mediating and moderating variables in order to understand whether the consumer loyalty will be due to other factors. This study uses the convient sampling and questionnaires for surveying NISSAN cars owner who go back to the depot in Taipei area. In final, 317 valid questionnaires were collected, and by using the hierarchy regression analysis for hypothverification. The main findings of this study are as follows: 1. There are positive relationships among the after-service satisfaction, brand equity, guanxi, and consumer loyalty intentions. 2. There is partial mediating effect of guanxi on consumer loyalty by after-service satisfaction. 3. There is no significant moderating effect of brand equity on consumer loyalty by after-service satisfaction. The practical suggestions after this study are as follows : 1. As there is a partial mediating effect of guanxi, so retaining customer relationship management and contact should be implemented by taking care of customer with sincere motivation by employees in order to build good relationships for future business opportunities. 2. As the customer satisfaction of after-service can improve the brand equity and customer loyalty, therefore NISSAN should be more actively involved in upgrade hardware and software to attract customers coming back for repair and getting better service experience each time. 3. NISSAN should think the personnel qualifications of in the recruiting process by empathizing employees background in order to enhance business opportunities. 4. As there is no moderating effect by the brand equity on customer loyalty intentions by after-service satisfaction, therefore in the future how to strengthen brand management should be an important work in the post sales system.


after-service consumer loyalty GUANXI brand equity


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