  • 學位論文

單身女性的性別再現與消費迷思 ─ 對臺灣網路影音廣告之研究

Gender Representations and the Myth of Consumerism of Single Women - A Study of Micro-film Advertising in Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊明昱


許多品牌紛紛意識到單身女性的消費力,在操作女性議題時,除了避免物化女性,還要避免「婚姻等於幸福」的價值觀傳遞。廣告被視為具有建構社會知識、形成規範、反映價值,和塑造共識的作用,因此微電影廣告所塑造出的單身女性典範會對閱聽人產生一定的影響。故藉由本研究可讓廣告相關的從業人員得以自律和自省,避免只塑造單一的單身女性形象而加深閱聽人的刻板印象,藉此創造出更多具有深度的廣告文本,不僅可引發話題性,更可促進多元社會的討論與進步。 本研究選取YouTube影音平台上以單身女性為主角敘事的微電影廣告作為研究對象,共計八項品牌,二十部微電影廣告。本研究以媒介批判角度分析單身女性之再現,並針對微電影廣告所擴增的單身女性,包括戀愛的女同志、充滿夢想的女性、專業獨立的女性、時尚貌美的女性等,探討這些形象背後隱藏的意義。與以往多以傳統性別廣告取向的研究不同,本研究以後女性主義和文化消費的觀點為著力點,批判廣告文化工業收編單身女性之過程。 微電影廣告鼓勵單身女性藉由消費展現自由自主,但貧困、年老、受疾病與歧視之苦的單身女性卻刻意隱藏,因為她們缺乏商業價值。此外,微電影廣告擅長用異性間的愛情敘事,甚至透過「暖男」角色來解救單身女性。單身女性受微電影廣告收編,資本主義運作邏輯下,讓單身女性忽略廣告行銷之意識形態,而陷入自我審視與自我監視。


Enterprises are exploring new ways to target the large demographic of single female consumers. When they deal with women’s rights issues, they should not only avoid objectifying women, but also stop transferring the value that “marriage equals to happiness”. Advertising is a reflection of the values of its target demographics, thus shaping its norms. Therefore, the presentation of single women characters in micro-film advertising has a direct impact on its audience. The purpose of this study is to identify advertisers who have the self-discipline and self-reflection to avoid stereotyping single women. This can lead to more targeted and truthful advertising, more positive outcomes, and promote public discussions towards social progress. 8 brands and a total of 20 micro-film advertisements that involved single women were selected from YouTube for this study. The focus was on representations of single women, such as lesbians in love, women with dreams, professional and independent women, and fashionable and beautiful women. The objective was to explore the hidden meaning behind these messages. In contrast to previous studies on traditional gender norms, this study used post-feminist and cultural consumption theories to criticize the advertising industry’s incorporation of single women. Enterprises use micro-film advertising to encourage single women to show freedom through consumption. However, targeting single women who are poor, old, suffering from diseases, or being discriminated against lacks commercial value, leaving them underrepresented. Instead, enterprises typically market their products using a heterosexual love story narrative, such as the “considerate guy” who comes to the rescue of the single woman. Single women should ignore this kind of advertising and marketing and instead engage in self-examination and reflection.


