  • 學位論文


Mainland China’s Taiwan Strategy during DPP’s Ruling Periods(2000-2008)

指導教授 : 翁明賢


兩岸關係,一直是左右台灣未來走向發展的重要變數。2000年 3月18日,台灣第一次政黨輪替,國民黨結束五十年來的執政成為 在野黨,中共面對台灣新的執政團隊,頓時間不知如何面對。 回顧過去兩岸自1949年分治以來,「中華民國」與「中華人民 共和國」,各據台灣海峽一方已逾半世紀,雙方關係由軍事對峙、 法統爭執,到「三民主義統一中國」與「和平統一、一國兩制」, 期間曾出現一股「和平穩定」的氣氛,但受限於兩岸政府僵化於「 一個中國」、「台獨」或「獨台」等政治思維影響,兩岸關係又呈 現了緊張的局面。   2002年8月陳水扁總統在對東京「世台會」年會公開陳述「台 灣與中國是一邊一國,要分清楚」,兩岸的統獨論戰急劇增強,北 京政府重新思考台灣走向「法理台獨」的可能性,2005年3月中共 通過「反分裂國家法」,更拉開了中共「反台獨」的序幕。 本文試就「民進黨執政時期中國對台戰略」加以探討,而研究 的序列,係以陳水扁總統第一、二任期時間作為切割,第一階段為 「2000-2004年」,第二階為「2004-2008年」,藉由上述兩階段 ,分析中共政權面臨台灣民主政治政黨輪替所可能帶來的政策劇烈 變化之因應方式。換言之,本文研究目的,正是試圖呈現中共在面 對民進黨政府執政八年期間,對台戰略的一系列轉折與變化,並藉 此探討過程瞭解中共對台戰略的常與變,期能於當中找出我國對內 對外的一條中道路線,讓台灣在既有的基礎上,尋求和平穩定的兩 岸關係。


Cross-strait relations have always been important variables in determining Taiwan’s future development. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has first became the political party in power on March 18, 2000 by ending more than 50 years of ruling of Chinese Nationalist Party (the Kuomitang or KMT), has made Mainland China at a loss when confronting this new ruling party. More than half a century ago, the central government of the Republic of China (ROC) was moved to the island of Taiwan, when the Chinese mainland was communized in 1949 with the establishment of the government of the People's Republic of China (PRC). China was then divided into two parts, and ever since then on China has remained separated by the Taiwan Straits. The developments of the relation cross the strait have involved military confrontation, sovereignty dispute toward to the “Three People’s Principles to unify China” and “One country, Two systems”. The “Peace and Stability” atmosphere has emerged during this time, however the principle of “One-China” policy as well as “Taiwan independence” have again increased the pressure and political tense between cross-strait relations. In August 2002, Chen Shui-bian, the former President of ROC, made his public statements to the annual conference of the World Federation of Taiwanese Associations meeting in Tokyo that “with Taiwan and China on each side of the Taiwan Strait, each side is country and it is necessary to distinguish clearly”. The two sides of the debate between unification and independence has dramatically heighten and Beijing government has re-deliberated the possibility of “de jure Taiwan independence” and passed the “Anti-Secession Law” to prevent Taiwan Independence. This paper tried to probe into the Mainland China’s Taiwan strategy during DPP’s ruling periods by Chen Shui-bian’s first term (2000 to 2004) and the second term (2004 to 2008) separately, and to find out the Beijing government’s reaction to the changes of Taiwan’s political party in power and its relevant Taiwan strategies. In other words, the purpose of this research is to display a series of the transitions and changes made by Beijing government during the eight years of DPP’s ruling periods when dealing with Taiwan’s strategy. In additions, based on the understanding of aforementioned research, this paper expects to find a middle line both internally and externally in order to seek for a stable relations with China.


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