  • 學位論文


On the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy(REBT) to the Students' Mathematic Test Anxiety Reduction and Learning Achievement Enhanced─A Case Study at Song Shan High School of Commerce and Home Economics

指導教授 : 李武炎


數學焦慮會影響數學與其它學業之學習,會引起一連串焦慮反應,導致學習成就表現不佳,減弱追求更高深數學及其他學科學問的意願。本研究欲協助學生處理數學測試焦慮狀態,期望達到減輕測試焦慮以增進學業表現。 數學焦慮是指在處理數字或使用數學概念時所產生的焦慮狀態,與測試焦慮同屬於情境性的焦慮,是影響學生數學學習之最大障礙,而測試焦慮是數學焦慮的主要構成要素是一種心理困擾,會造成負向情感因子對於需要運用心智思考的數學而言,將產生干擾作用,對學生學習的影響比智能方面的限制、教師教學策略、學校課程安排更嚴重。可由情緒、認知、身體三方面來探究,並透過教學方法與適當輔導策略的介入而獲得改善。Ellis的理情行為治療法直接且快速的校正學生的信念系統,是最符合本研究之實用性、時效性及目的性之理論,故本研究以此為主要的實驗研究方式。 本研究以台北市立松山家商學生為施測對象,以具良好信、效度之「數學考試前焦慮量表」來測量學生參與數學考試前,經輔導與未經輔導之實驗組與控制組學生,於前後兩次段考前之焦慮程度差異傾向。結果發現,學生於參與數學考試前,於「一般焦慮」因素層面上,最常感知到「煩惱驚慌」、「心中不安穩無法定下心來」、「緊張神經質」及「感覺快要崩潰了」。於「過度焦慮」層面上依序為「一切將變壞有不幸將發生」、「頭暈昏眩」、「頭痛頸痛腰痛」及「看不清眼花」最嚴重。在未經過輔導介入前,實驗組在「一般焦慮」層面與「過度焦慮」層面上之焦慮程度皆高於控制組。在理情行為治療輔導技術介入40天後,實驗組於後測時在「一般焦慮」層面與「過度焦慮」層面之焦慮程度皆低於前測,且低於控制組,焦慮分數的標準差也縮小。而控制組之「過度焦慮」層面之焦慮程度於後測時反而變嚴重,焦慮分數的標準差也變大。 研究顯示,教師於教學時適時的輔導介入,雖對於降低學業高成就表現學生之焦慮程度較無成效,但有助於了解學生學習狀況與降低高焦慮組學生的焦慮程度,並提昇低學業成就組學生之學習成就表現。


Anxiety about Math, namely Math Anxiety, may hinder people from learning Math and even other subjects since Math Anxiety might cause a series of anxiety reaction and thereby result in both learning performance and advanced-learning motivation. The purpose of the study is to help students to mitigate Math Anxiety with appropriate approaches, and thereby improve their learning performance. Sharing the same attributes of Situational Anxiety with Test Anxiety, Math Anxiety, usually regarded as the biggest obstacle in Math learning, points out a kind of emotional anxiety arising from handling number or from utilizing Math concepts. As for Test Anxiety, it’s the primary component of Math Anxiety. Test Anxiety, a kind of psychological disturbance, might hamper students’ Math reasoning with negative emotional reaction. In general, the effects of Test Anxiety on students’ learning are more critical than those of student’ talents, of teachers’ education methodology, and of schools’ course arrangement. We suppose that Test Anxiety can be explored by three dimensions, namely Emotion, Perception, and Physiology, and be mitigated by appropriate education methods and assistance strategies. Regarding the advantage of Ellis’ Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy in directly and quickly revise students’ internal belief and value, we adopt it as the main experimental approach, given the criteria of study practical-value, time-efficiency, and objective-requirement The study body is students of A Case Study at Song Shan High School of Commerce and Home Economics. With well-designed anxiety scale towards Math exam meeting sound validity and reliability, we measure the anxiety difference between those students accepting professional assistance, namely the experiment group, and those under otherwise circumstance, namely the control group. We learn that, in common anxiety factors, students’ most feeling statuses include panic, annoyance, nervousness, crash sense. In excess anxiety factors, those feelings include pessimistic attitude, dizziness, physiological discomfort, and hindered eyesight. Prior to the professional assistance, the experiment group’s anxiety extent in both common anxiety and excess anxiety is higher than the control group. After 40 days of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, the experiment group’s anxiety degree of pretest is lower than that of post-test; moreover, it’s even lower than that of control group. Also, the standard deviation of anxiety score is lowered. On the contrary, the control’s group’s anxiety degree of excess anxiety dimension becomes severer, and the standard deviation is raised. The study suggests that with teachers’ timely professional assistance it’s helpful to understand student’s learning, and thereby to lower The group of high Mathematic test anxiety students’ anxiety extent and to raise The group of low learning achievement students’ learning performance, while the assistance might not lead to obvious improvement of high academic achievement students’ anxiety degree.


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