  • 學位論文

政府援助與銀行資產風險: 加權障礙選擇權評價模式分析

A multiple-objective barrier option approach for government bailout and bank risk-taking

指導教授 : 林志鴻
共同指導教授 : 蔡政言(Jeng-Yan Tsai)




The barrier options theory of corporate security valuation is applied to the contingent claims of a distressed bank’s utility under the bailout program of distressed loan purchases. In particular, the bank acts as if it has a single utility function that positively weights equity returns like, but negatively weights bankruptcy dislike. A direct implication of this framework is that the expected utility defined in terms of profits will be priced as a weighted down-and-out call option. This thesis examines the optimal bank interest margin, i.e., the spread between the loan rate and the deposit rate of the bank, when the bank participates in the bailout program. We show that an increase in the amount of distressed loan purchases decreases the loan amount held by the bank at an increased margin when buying distressed loan amount remains high. Bailout as such makes the bank less prone to loan risk taking, thereby contributing the stability of the banking system. A numerical exercise shows that the market-based estimates of the expected utility of bank equity returns which ignore the weights (a standard down-and-out call option) or the dislike (a standard call option) lead to significant overestimation.


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