  • 學位論文


A Study of the Design and Development for Behavioral Event Interview (BEI) e-Learning Course

指導教授 : 黃雅萍


隨著知識經濟時代來臨,人才成為企業最重要的資產。企業為能提昇競爭力,不僅要找到優秀的人才,還要考慮所物色之人才是否適合組織文化,因為不適合的人才往往消耗企業更高的成本。為能完成有效遴選優秀合適人才的重要任務,國內外許多知名企業皆以「行為事例面談」法為主要的人才選用工具,即依照各企業所建立之專屬職能模型中的職能定義及關鍵行為為標準來尋找人才。由於行為事例面談法為一種操作型的知識,需要足夠的練習,方能有效運用。但礙於時空環境及人力成本限制下,面試主管常無足夠時間練習,導致實施成效不彰。衡諸國內目前關於職能方面的研究,多以建立「職能模型」為主,較少應用教育科技的探究。而且針對「行為事例面談」的相關研究亦不多見,遑論應用網路科技提升「行為事例面談」效能的研究。 本研究探討「職能」、「行為事例面談」、「鷹架學習」、「情境模擬」、「設計發展研究法」及「數位學習」之文獻,並依系統化課程設計架構之設計發展研究法,分析A 公司之學習環境、學習者、學習內容及媒體,以分析結果設計發展「行為事例面談」之數位化課程。 為強化本課程實用性,提高面試主管使用本教材的意願並提昇面談的成效,邀請學習者及專家進行形成性評鑑,並依評鑑結果進行修正。由於研究者個人資源有限,本研究仍有持續改進的空間,但內容專家、教學設計專家及學習者皆一致認為,本教材應用「鷹架學習」、「情境模擬」及「數位學習」等教育理論與技巧應可有效協助A公司主管學習「行為事例面談法」的技巧。


Facing the coming era of knowledge economy, human resource becomes the most important asset of an enterprise. In order to promote the competitive ability, the enterprise not only needs to find out the excellent and talented persons, but also needs to consider whether the talented persons suit to their organizational culture. Because unsuitable persons would consume the higher costs of the enterprise, many domestic and international well-known enterprises all take "the Behavioral Event Interview (BEI)" method as the main tool to choose their employees. That is, enterprises look for employees by the definition of competence and key behavior within the competence model suitable for themselves. BEI is a training skill needs to be practiced a lot, in order to make good use of it, a well designed course which can provide both knowledge and practice about BEI, and learners can also use it very conveniently is very important. Currently most BEI relative researches are about the BEI model building, the application of educational technology are discussed very few in this field. This research is to discuss essays about “competence”,” BEI”,” constructivist scaffolding”,” Scenario-Based E-Learning” ,"design-based research", and” E-learning”. It will also analyze the needs of enterprise according to “design-based research”. That is to analyze the learning environments, learners and curriculum of enterprise A and the media they use. Then this course will be designed and developed around the result. In order to enhance the practicality of this course , to encourage the interviewer’s willingness to use this course and to amplify the result of the interviews. Some learners and experts were invited to carry formative evaluation on, and revised the outcome of the evaluation. Due to the limited resource of the researcher, there is still room for improvement persistently. However, the program, which adopted the knowledge and skills of “constructivist scaffolding”, “Scenario-Based E-Learning”, and “E-learning”, is effective in helping the management of enterprise A learning about BEI according to the content experts, curriculum experts and learners.




