  • 學位論文


Spaces of ambulant city advance maneuver- A case study on Taichung megalopolis

指導教授 : 吳光庭


全球化經常被描述成為一個自由流動的空間,由於通訊與運輸技術的改良,城市於發展上更加講求效率,並透過架構出各式媒體與運輸系統形成空間的流動性,面對交通運輸系統的發展與分布,將對區域產生聚集與分散的效果。城市由於交通整合,與周遭地區結合形成都會區,於社會、經濟、文化、資源等構成共享的生活圈。在面對城市規模巨大化下,城市運作的效率成為發展上的方向,而其中以亞洲城市由於人口及在全球化的催化下,於空間上發展的密度與使用上的效率更具有區域上的特色,故本研究試圖在全球化下的流動空間的想法上,重新為已具有都會區人口規模的台中市,尋求一個城市目標朝向國際化發展的城市,應如何面對流動城市的發展策略。 本文主要分為三部分,第一部分以案例研究的方式,將東京與香港受到全球化的流動影響所構成的都市現象,做一分析與整理。第二部分則回顧台中市都市發展過程,及所構成的都市空間結構將影響台中都會區整體發展方向。第三部分,台中都會區受流動性的影響,城市定位與發展方向以「文化創意」為出發,台中都會區受兩岸直航的影響,城市空間呈現出兩極化現象,集中資源於都會區內,受流動城市的都市現象,台中與廈門有機會成為超巨型都會區。


The globalization is described frequently into a free flowing space. The improvements of communication and transportation technologies make the developing of new cities more efficient. Through different media systems and transportation systems build the mobility in space. The development and allocation of the transportation system will make the area has the effects on congregating and decentralizing. The city has well transportation with neighborhoods become a megalopolis. They can share their society, economy, culture and resource. The mega city needs to operate efficiently. The population and globalization catalyze the cities in Asia. The density of space development and the efficiency of the operating become the territorial accent. This study is about globalization to arise from mobility space. Taichung city become a megalopolis that is center. The city has ambition to become an international city. It needs to know, how to affront that spaces of ambulant city advance maneuver. This text has three parts. The first part uses case study to analyze and cast on Hung Kong and Tokyo about their urban appearance through the mobile effect on globalization. Second, the text is about the Taichung city’s history development. The spaces construction will affect the development of Taichung megalopolis. Third is the influence by mobility in Taichung megalopolis. The city ambition is “culture originality”. Taichung megalopolis will have interflow with Chania. The spaces show the polarization in urban. The resources will centralize in urban. Taichung and Amoy will be come a mega megalopolis.


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