  • 學位論文


The Counter-terrorism Policy of Spanish Government after the 9/11 Attack (2001-2007)

指導教授 : 蔡政文
共同指導教授 : 卓忠宏(Chung-Hung Cho)


西班牙自1960年代起即深受國內各型態恐怖主義威脅,舉凡政府、社會大眾皆長期飽受恐怖攻擊折磨之苦。2001年九一一事件發生後,反恐議題成為全球關注之焦點,國際上各主權國家與國際組織皆對此表達看法與回應,西班牙亦不例外,除了對原本的反恐政策與相關法案加以修改外,也加強與其他國家及國際組織的合作,希冀透過國內及國際雙管齊下的反恐措施,促進其政策成效,以根除恐怖主義的威脅。 本論文以現實主義為理論架構,側重論述九一一事件後西班牙反恐政策之研擬與執行,針對遏止恐怖份子及攻擊活動所採取之確切行動加以評析。首先,簡單回顧九一一事件前西班牙恐怖主義之歷史背景以及政府的反恐政策與相關法令;其次,探究西班牙政府於九一一事件後之反恐措施,包括相關反應、政策研擬、法案制定與修改,繼之剖析促成其反恐政策之內外在因素,並針對其政策執行分為國內及國際層面加以論述,最後評估其政策成效以及未來展望,並歸納本文之研究心得與發現。 本研究發現,西班牙反恐政策成效之問題癥結必須透過國內與國際層面雙管齊下的反恐措施來解決,除了在國內層次上增加反恐單位的協調與互動、集中反恐法案、以及投入經費、情報、警力,政府更需強化國際合作,透過國家間雙邊合作與國際組織框架下的多邊合作,提升反恐成效,並藉由落實與履行相關法案和決議案,有效遏止恐怖主義蔓延,減少國家安全威脅。


Since 1960s, Spain has been suffering from threats and attacks of many types of terrorism which afflict the government and the public for a long time. Therefore, the Spanish government has launched a series of counter-terrorism polices, laws and measures. On September 11, 2001, the United States was attacked by terrorists. In the aftermath of the attack, many sovereigns, inclusive of Spain, and international organizations started to enhance the related policies, laws and regulations to fight against terrorism. This thesis emphasizes the counter-terrorism policies that were amended and adopted by the Spanish government after the 9/11 attack. The “realism” is used as the research approach to evaluate and analyze. The structure is divided into three parts as follows: firstly, it looks back at history review of the terrorism’s development in Spain before the 9/11 attack. Secondly, it describes and analyses the counter-terrorism measures after the event of 9/11 and the Madrid bombings, including the reactions, objects, and other related legislations. In addition, it explores the internal and external factors which affect counter-terrorism policy of Spanish government. And it discusses Spanish international cooperation against terrorism. In the end, it estimates the effects of counter-terrorism policy and the developments in the future. The research concludes that the Spanish government has to take national and international counter-terrorism measures to promote the effect of the policy. At national level, it should enhance the coordination of the counter-terrorism organizations and increase the budget, police, and intelligence to reduce the threat of national security. At international level, it ought to strengthen bilateral and multilateral cooperation to achieve remarkable success.


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