  • 學位論文


The Experience of Psychological Displacement Paradigm in Diary-Writing on the Career Indecisiveness College Students

指導教授 :


本研究主要探討在心理位移日記書寫過程中,大學生如何覺知自身生涯猶豫的經驗本質,與大學生生涯猶豫經驗移動之歷程。研究者以詮釋現象學方法論做為本研究的研究方法,共兩位生涯猶豫大學生成為研究參與者,各自書寫16篇以生涯猶豫為主題的心理位移日記文本程為主要分析資料,並在書寫完成後接受研究者訪談,兩資料相互參照後獲得研究成果如下: 一、 兩位研究參與者生涯猶豫狀態置身結構的理解 (一) 研究參與者A生涯猶豫狀態的置身結構─能力萬歲下被壓迫的生涯自我效能感 (二) 研究參與者B生涯猶豫狀態的置身結構─現實與夢想的夾擊 二、 兩位研究參與者生涯猶豫狀態置身結構的對照 兩位研究參與者置身結構的相互參照,與過去學者的定義討論以回應「生涯猶豫本質為何?」,又從中得見共同議題的浮現,分別為: (一) 生涯猶豫與生涯自我效能 (二) 生涯猶豫與父母影響 三、 兩位研究參與者在書寫心理位移日記中生涯猶豫經驗移動的歷程 (一) 研究參與者A透過心理位移日記書寫,開始能看到生涯猶豫、接觸思考生涯猶豫的本質,進而看見意義並轉化生涯猶豫,最終接納自己的生涯猶豫並期盼再次前進。 (二) 研究參與者B反覆陳述與辯證自己對生涯猶豫事件的想法,過程中感到情緒翻騰但經此思考亦將自身視角拉的更廣,進而出現客觀具體的觀點,最後,認清父母價值觀與現實和自己的想要無法平衡,孝道文化下只得選擇妥協於父母所冀望的生涯方向。 最後經由本研究結果提供以生涯猶豫為主題的後續研究與諮商實務工作建議。


This study discusses about how college students to aware of the causes for their indecisive career and their indecisive process during the psychological displacement paradigm in diary writing process. The researcher uses hermeneutical phenomenology theory as the main research method. Two career indecisiveness students participates in the research, each of them have been asked to use the topic of career to write the diary and they have completed 16 pieces of psychological displacement paradigm in diary writing in the process. These 16 pieces of psychological displacement paradigm in diary writing is the main source of data analysis in the study. After they completed the diary writing, the researcher interviewed them. Compare the information of the diary and the interview, the results as follow: 1. The construction of two participants’ career indecisive situatedness 1.1 Participant A’s career indecisive situatedness—career self efficiency is under the pressure of having the great ability. 1.2 Participant B’s career indecisive situatedness—the dilemma of the reality and the dream 2. The comparison of two participants’ career indecisive situatedness Compare the two participants’ situatedness, and also using scholars’ definition discuss the question of what the career indecisiveness is. The common issues as follow: 1.1 career indecisiveness and career self efficiency 1.2 career indecisiveness and the impact of parents 3. The process of two participants’ career indecisive experience during the psychological displacement paradigm in diary writing 1.1 Through the psychological displacement paradigm in diary writing in the process, participant A starts to aware of his/her career indecisive and thinks about what the career indecisive is. The participant found what makes he/she indecisive in the choosing career. The participant accepted his/her career indecisiveness and looked forward in the future. 1.2 Participant B has talked about his/her thought of career indecisiveness over and over again. Through the process, the participant experienced a lot of emotions but he/she had different objective perspectives in the end. The participant finally cleared about the imbalance between his/her own desires, his/her parents’ values and the reality. In the culture of being a good son or a daughter, the participant has to comprised to choose his/her parents’ career expectation. In conclusion, the results can provide more information for further research and counseling work advises in the career indecisiveness in the furfure.


金樹人(2011)。心理位移研究的趣與味:自性化過程的實踐。輔導季刊,47(2), 1-6。


