  • 學位論文

我國手機遊戲產業行銷策略之研究 -以W公司為例

A Study of Mobile Game Industry’s Marketing Strategies Taking Company W as an Example

指導教授 : 林江峰


智慧型手機與平板電腦等行動應用裝置的普及與數位化網路時代的來臨,行動遊戲已成為生活中休閒娛樂的重要管道。 隨著時代進步、行動時代的來臨,手機不再只是停留在語音對話,顯然成為了個人行動娛樂中心,而其中的手機遊戲市場更是具有潛力,根據遊戲市場調查機構NewZoo國際事業發展部副總經理舒特(Wybe Schutte)指出,市場調查數據顯示,全球遊戲產值今年估計將達美金915億元(約新台幣2.7兆元),且2018年有望成長至美金1,135億元(約新台幣 3.4兆元);台灣整體遊戲市場產值今年將衝破新台幣200億元,年增近一成,台灣行動遊戲營收表現更佳,在全球各國排在第十名,年複合成長率超過兩成,顯示台灣行動遊戲市場商機大。 本研究為質性個案研究法,以W公司為個案研究,透過文獻探討、相關資料蒐集瞭解臺灣手機遊戲產業的發展與概況,針對個案公司提出STP分析、五力分析、行銷組合4P及給予未來經營策略之建議。


手機遊戲 五力分析 STP


Abstract: With the popularization of mobile application devices such as smart phones and tablet PCs and the paralysis of the Internet era, mobile games have become an important conduit for leisure and entertainment in life. When the era of smart phone begin, phone is more than just a phone with communication function but literally becoming the center of entertaining, smart phone game market is even greater among the other entertaining market. Declare from Wybe Schutte who is the vice manager of international business developing department of gaming market analysis association “New Zoo” that market data analysis indicates global gaming production growth is expected to be US $ 915 hundred million(approximately NT $ 2.7 trillion), In 2018 will expected to grow to US $ 1,135 hundred million (approximately NT $ 3.4 trillion ) . Taiwan overall gaming market growth will be over NT $ 20 billion , annual growth rate is ten percent (10%). Taiwanese gaming market performance is well performed in international competition, 10th among the global market, annual integrate growth rate is over twenty percent that shows Taiwanese mobile game market has great potential. The research performs a case study. It focuses on W company. Through reviewing literature and collecting relative information and documents, we get to understand more about Taiwan’s development on mobile game industry. The research not only provides STP analysis but also gives a structural analysis with the five forces of this company, marketing portfolio 4P and will finally give suggestions on future management strategies.


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