  • 學位論文


The Role Positioning and Multi-Professional Cooperation Experience of Counseling Psychologists in Children and Youths Placement Institutes in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李麗君 郭瓈灔


本研究目的在探究專職心理師在臺灣地區兒童及少年安置機構的角色定位及跨專業合作經驗,並歸納出有效的跨專業合作模式,期能讓更多人瞭解專職心理師於臺灣地區兒少安置機構的工作樣態及跨專業合作經驗。而本研究採用的是質性研究的半結構個別深度訪談法,共訪談了五位在臺灣中北部地區之兒少安置機構任職之心理師、社工員及生活輔導員,並採用質性研究中資料編碼的方式逐步歸納出分析出研究結果。 研究結果發現,臺灣地區兒少安置機構專職心理師在機構中的角色定位主要可歸納成「專業資源」及「業務支援」兩大類,在「專業資源」上又可分為兩大情境,分別是「個別或團體諮商服務」的情境及「給予其他機構工作者心理資源」的情境;而「業務支援」上則是由於專職心理師常駐在安置機構,因此當其他專業工作者有困難時,專職心理師也會適時給予支援。而專職心理師在安置機構工作的經驗與因應方式是要重新適應自身的定位、尊重其他助人工作者、退居後援的角色,並釐清彼此的期待,此外還有找到更理想的溝通情境。最後,在安置系統有效的合作模式上,關鍵在於彼此瞭解角色定位,各司其職並適時互相支援,而機構主管或主事者的態度亦十分重要,若能有效成為協調者或仲裁者的角色都能促進跨專業合作的發展。 最後,根據研究結果針對諮商心理師進入安置系統工作、安置機構的營運及未來的研究提出相關建議。


The purpose of this study is to explore the role positioning and multi-professional cooperation experience of counseling psychologists in children and youths placement institutes in Taiwan, then sum up an effective multi-professional cooperation model. Looking forward to enabling more people to understand the work style and multi-professional cooperation experience of full-time psychologists in Taiwan's placement institutes. This study uses semi-structured individual in-depth interviews for qualitative research. There are five respondents, including psychologists, social workers, and life counselors who served in child-care placement institutions in the north-central Taiwan. Using the method of data encoding in qualitative research to summarize and analyze the research results. Findings found that the role of full-time psychologists in placement institutes in Taiwan can be grouped into two categories: “professional resources” and “business support”. In "professional resources", it can be divided into two major situations: the situation of "individual or group consultative services" and the situation of "giving psychological resources to other organizations' workers". The "business support" is based on the fact that full-time psychologists are stationed in placement institutes. Therefore, when other professional workers have difficulties, full-time psychologists will also provide timely support. The experience and response of full-time psychologists working in placement institutes is to re-adapt to their own position, respect other helpers, back to support roles, clarify their expectations, and find a better communication situation. Finally, in the effective cooperation model of the resettlement system, the key lies in knowing each other's role orientation, performing their duties properly and supporting each other in a timely manner. The attitude of the organization manager or supervisor is also very important. If they can effectively act as coordinators or arbitrators, they can promote the development of multi-professional cooperation. Finally, according to the research results, put forward relevant suggestions for consulting psychologists to work on the resettlement system, the operation of the resettlement agency and future research.


