  • 學位論文


A Study on Risk Management and Insurance Planning of Long-Term Care Institutions

指導教授 : 高棟梁


台灣已邁入高齡化社會,隨著老年人口的不斷增加,一些與老年有關的社會議題也逐漸受到重視,如:退休金規劃、退休生活等。然而健康是最大的財富,老年後身體是健康的,可以規劃精彩的退休生活,若身體是不健康的,需要家屬陪伴及醫療照護,甚至選擇入住長期照顧機構。本研究探討長期照顧機構如何採取有效的風險管理及保險規劃。   本研究訪談五位長期照顧機構業者及四位產險公司主管,採專家訪談深入瞭解其對長期照顧機構的風險認知、風險管理方式及保險規劃的態度。訪談結果,發現長期照顧機構經營上最常面臨的風險是醫療及消費糾紛風險,而其在保險需求上而言,除了希望投保長照醫療人員責任保險外,亦希望能有綜合性保險單來保障長期照顧機構的各種經營風險;就產險公司的訪談結果,發現產險公司認為長期照顧機構的保險規劃順序為公共意外責任險、長照人員責任險、商業火險及附加險,亦希望能開發長期照顧機構綜合保險單,以保障長期照顧機構所面臨的各種經營風險。


Taiwan has entered the stage of an aged society. As the elderly population continues to increase. Some social issues related to the elderly have gradually received attention, such as pension planning and retirement etc. However, health is the greatest asset. In the elderly, the body is healthy. You can plan a wonderful retirement. If your body is unhealthy, you need family companionship and medical care, and even choose to stay in a long-term care institution.This study explores how long-term care institutions can adopt effective risk management and insurance planning. In this study, we interviewed five managers of long-term care institutions and four managers of non-life insurance companies to gain the respondent’s viewpoints or attitudes of risk perception, risk management and insurance planning for the long-term care institutions. From the results of interviewing, we find that long-term care institutions are most often exposed to the risks of medical and consumer disputes, and they hope to get liability insurance for their long-term care medical personnel firstly and to have a comprehensive insurance policy to protect their business operation risks in the future. We also find that the kinds of insurance for the long-term care institutions suggested by the non-life insurance companies are public liability insurance, long-term care personnel liability insurance, commercial fire and allied-peril insurance sequentially. The respondents of non-life insurance companies also hope non-life insurance industry to design a comprehensive insurance policy for the long-term care institutions in the near future.


一、 中文
(一) 書籍
1. John W. Creswell,Cheryl N. Poth譯者李政賢(2018),質性研究的五種取經,初版,台北市:五南圖書出版股份有限公司,頁93-160。
2. 宋明哲、翁翠柳(2015),圖解保險學,初版,台北市:五南圖書出版股份有限公司。頁2-10
