  • 學位論文


Optimal design and control of solar-driven membrane distillation desalination systems

指導教授 : 陳逸航


太陽能驅動薄膜海水淡化系統,藉由太陽能集熱器和薄膜蒸餾裝置增加純水的生產。這在技術上和經濟上可行的系統設計使用間接太陽能驅動薄膜蒸餾系統,以克服太陽輻射從日出到日落的供應不穩定。太陽能驅動薄膜海水淡化系統內部設備有儲熱槽、熱交換器,氣隔式薄膜,以及太陽能集熱板。Aspen Custom Modeler(ACM)軟體用於模擬系統,並建立海水淡化廠內各單位的成本函數。在固定純水生產速率下已獲得最低得年總成本為目標從設計自由度(DOF)的分析發現系統有九個設計參數。對於固定太陽能日照量的典型夏季天氣,最小年成本花費於日照量為500W/m2。然後,我們在最適化的條件設計出提出兩種控制模式的海水淡化廠;白天與夜晚模式。為了增加工廠的可操作性,以敏感性分析來改造原有的設計點,藉由改變加熱流體的循環流量以降低太陽能集熱器出口溫。模擬結果為,不管晴天或是多雲系統皆能穩定的輸出淡水產量。


The solar heated membrane seawater desalination system is constructed of solar collectors and membrane distillation devices for increasing pure water productivity. This technically and economically feasible system is designed to use indirect solar heat to drive membrane distillation processes to overcome the unstable supply of solar radiation from sunrise to sunset. The solar heated membrane seawater desalination system in the present study consists of hot water storage devices, heat exchangers, air gap membrane distillation units, and solar collectors. Aspen Custom Molder (ACM) software is used to model and simulate each unit and establishes the cost function of a desalination plant. From Design degree of freedom (DOF) analysis, there are nine design parameters investigated here to obtain the minimum total annual cost (TAC) with fixed pure water production rate. For a given solar energy density profile of typical summer weather, the minimum TAC per 1m3 pure water production can be found at 500 W/m2 by varying the solar energy density. Then, we proposed two modes for controlling the optimal design condition of the desalination plant; day and night. In order to widen the operability range of the plant, the sensitivity analysis was used to retrofit the original design point to lower the effluent temperature from the solar collector by increasing the hot water recycled stream. The simulation results show that the pure water production can be maintained at a very stable level even in sunny or cloudy weather.


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