  • 學位論文


A study on the educational efforts of the “Three kingdoms romance X”

指導教授 : 馬耀輝


電玩,現今時下年輕人最為盛行的娛樂休閒活動之一;同時卻也是家長們最不希望孩子們去碰的娛樂活動。原因在於家長們認為電玩遊戲的內容有可能會影響青少年,使其產生言行上的偏差、暴力化。只是青少年們在生活中能夠接觸到的諸多娛樂媒體當中,並不盡然只有電玩帶有暴力色彩,電視節目、網路、動漫畫等均有暴力描寫情節。筆者認為隨著所選擇電玩軟體內容之不同,電玩遊戲亦可成為具有正面教育、教化功能之娛樂活動。因此筆者在指導教授.馬耀輝教授的指導之下,選用了日本光榮公司所開發的歷史戰略模擬遊戲.「三國志X」為題材,針對其在遊戲中對三國歷史的查證翔實度、表現手法等進行研究,以釐清此類運用歷史題材之電玩遊戲,是否有辦法提升使用電玩之青少年的歷史認知能力。 在先行研究方面,大致分成社會學及心理學角度來看以電玩為議題的相關研究與成果。並簡要介紹了三國志系列遊戲的演進與設定,最後再將研究題材所設定的歷史事件與正史進行對照比較,結果發現「三國志X」裡所安插的歷史事件與正史『三國志』之符合度達7成,其餘三成不合史實。但因著電玩所具備的多媒體特性(運用動畫、圖片、音樂;提供主動參與之虛擬體驗),能夠讓使用電玩之青少年透過遊戲過程,更深入了解到歷史事件的發生年代、相關人物、過程及結果,而得出了確實具有提升青少年之歷史認知能力效果之結論。


Video games are one of the recreation activities most prevalent among the young people nowadays.And it is the one parents do not want their children to get in touch with most because they think that the contents in the video games might affect young people and cause aberration and violence in their words and deeds.However,video games are not the only one containing violence among those entertainment media young people can get in contact with in their everyday lives.TV shows, Internet,animation and comic books contain the plots of violence as well.I,the writer,think that video games can become the recreation activity having positive educational functions with the different choices among the video game software that contains contents diverse;as a result,I chose “Romance of Three Kingdoms X”,the simulation game of historical strategy developed by Koei,as the subject matter,researching the accuracy investigation made on the history of the three kingdoms and the way of expression used in this video game with the instruction of professor Yao-Hui Ma to make sure if such a video game to which historical subject matter was applied could raise the ability of young people playing video games in understanding history. In the aspect of the research made before,it was generally divided into two parts,sociology and social psychology,to look at the related researches and results of the video game issues.We concisely introduced the evolution and setting of the serial games of “Romance of Three Kingdoms X”,making a comparison between the historical events set in the subject matter and the authorized history at the end.We found that the historical events put in Romance of Three Kingdoms X had 70% according with The History of the Three Kingdoms by Chen Shou,and the other part of 30% did not accord with the documentation.But,the young people playing video games can deeply understand the years of the historical events happening,the related figures,the processes and the outcomes through the process of playing,reaching a conclusion that can exactly raise the ability of young people in understanding history with the video games containing the characters of multimedia,which provide virtual experience of active participation with animation,pictures and music.


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