  • 學位論文


The Internationalization of universities In Japan

指導教授 : 闕百華


今日由於交通、通訊技術的快速發展,跨越國界、民族界線的各種類國際化交流頗為頻繁。除了經濟及文化活動的國際化之外,教育的國際化亦漸成為國家的重要課題,大學國際化更是不可避免之趨勢。日本為了推動大學國際化,實施了各項的政策,例如,自1980年代開始實施「留學生接收10萬人計畫」,希望日本的大學能在西元2000年吸引10萬人的留學生。此外,文部科學省、日本學術振興會等相關機構也大力推動教師、研究員以及學術等等的國際交流。而各大學為了推動國際化,則是與外國的大學締結成為姊妹校,且為了與世界接軌,以提升大學教育的國際水準,而致力於教育課程的多樣化、學分互換體制的成立、英語教育的重視等等的課題。 本論文主要是研究日本的大學如何推行國際化、如何改善目前所面臨的課題,希望藉此了解日本的大學國際化的現狀。而全篇論文共分六章,除序論、結論之外,本論部分共計有四章:第一章探討日本所實施的大學國際化政策,第二章論述日本的留學生政策以及留學生交流的現狀與課題,第三章論述日本所實施的國際交流活動,第四章則探討日本大學的體制與教育改革。 而在結論中共分為三部分,首先將日本的大學國際化的特徵歸納為下列三點:1.國際化政策的轉換:從留學生交流進而注重大學教育水準的提升。2.偏重歐美的留學意向以及留學生派遣的缺失。3.封閉的學校體制以及死板的教育內容。 其次,對於今後日本的大學國際化的發展提出下列三項建議:1.留學生接收體制的完備。2.重視與亞洲地區的國際交流。3.各大學國際化戰略的制訂與實施。 最後,以日本的大學國際化的經驗對台灣的大學國際化提出下列二項意見:1.留學生支援機構的設立。2.大學教育的強化。


Today, Because of the fast development of traffic and communication technology, various kinds of exchanges become frequent. And international exchanges provide an essential impetus for progress at universities development. Therefore, the internationalization of education has become an important subject. Thus, Japan has implemented several policies to promote the internationalization of universities. Japanese universities had promoted the international student exchange and the researcher exchange with foreign universities by concluding intercollegiate agreement. And in order to integrate with the world and improve university education, Japanese universities has gave efforts to the diversification of the curriculum, the exchangeability of the unit, and English Language Education, etc. This thesis researches how Japanese universities promote internationalization, and the issues of internationalization of Japanese universities. Besides the preface and conclusion, there are four chapters in this thesis: Chapter 1 described the internationalization policy of university in Japan. Chapter 2 examined the foreign students policy of Japan and the subject of the foreign student exchange. Chapter 3 researched the international academic exchanges in Japan. And Chapter 4 analyzed the education system reform of Japanese universities. According to the above studies, this thesis would conclude in three points about the internationalization of Japanese universities: 1.The conversion of internationalization policy: From valuing the foreign student exchange to improve the universities education 2.Overemphasis of studying abroad to Occident. (Ex: Europe and America.) 3.Un-flexible education system and content of Japanese universities. Then, for accomplishing the internationalization of Japanese universities, I proffer the opinions as following: 1. Providing desirable system for the acceptance of foreign students. 2. Attaching importance to the international academic exchanges with Asia. 3. Japanese universities need to make a constructive internationalization strategy, and execute the strategy certainly. Finally, based on the result of this research, I propose the following suggestions to Taiwanese universities:1. To establish the foreign student support mechanisms and the international exchange mechanisms.2. To improve the university education.


一、 専門図書(五十音順)
1. 天城勲(1995年)『大学の変革―内と外』初版 東京:玉川大学出版部。
2. 天野郁夫(1993)『大学-試練の時代』初版、東京:東京大学出版社。
3. 天野郁夫(1999)『大学-挑戦の時代』初版、東京:東京大学出版社。
