  • 學位論文


Old Veterans’ Life Course Qualitative Research

指導教授 : 林淑萍


本研究旨在記錄與探討資深榮民的軍旅生涯對生命歷程及對其人生看法的影響,研究以立意抽樣四位經歷過對日抗戰及國共內戰後,隨蔣介石政府播遷來台之資深榮民為訪談對象,以質性研究中的半結構訪談進行受訪者資料的蒐集,再以敘說分析作為資料分析的方法,瞭解資深榮民入伍、退役及播遷來台所經歷的歷程、以及這些經歷對其生命歷程的具體影響,並從研究中看見資深榮民面對困境正向思考的力量及對於人生隨遇而安的態度。 藉由研究得到的結果如下: 一、 資深榮民的故事文本:資深榮民的生命文本,因為生於同一時代、經歷過相同的時代大事:抗日戰爭、國共戰爭及隨蔣介石政府播遷台灣,而有相似的人生主題。 二、 資深榮民生命的軌跡:資深榮民因預料之外的戰爭、遷居台灣等時代重大事件,被迫改變原本已計畫好之生命歷程;來到台灣後又因政治及經濟因素,而晚婚或是終生未婚。另外,資深榮民經歷戰爭的痛苦及生離死別,這些經驗讓資深榮民心理及生理都留下傷口。 三、 資深榮民生命中的正向:資深榮民在部隊及退役後的生活皆相當辛苦,物質生活普遍也不甚寬裕,但他們選擇將重心放在身邊重要他人身上,將照顧好家人、朋友視為己任,並且以正向的眼光去看待人生。 最後,根據研究結果提出具體建議,以讓退役軍人可以擁有更好的生活品質,並能在資深榮民有生之年將其故事紀錄下來,成為珍貴的史料。


The study is to know more about how veterans’ life course influenced military career and attitude toward their life. The researcher uses purposive sampling method to select four veterans as interviewees for the research, and those veterans had been to resist against Japanese aggression and Chinese Civil War, and immigrated to Taiwan with Chiang Kai-Shek government afterwards. Researcher used in-depth interview with semi-structured method to do the interview and utilize narrative inquiry method to understand more about old veterans’ military career, life after honorable discharge, and immigrant experiences in Taiwan; furthermore, to know how those experiences have impacted their life. Most important, the study shows the way veterans see their life. According to the research, the results are as follows: 1. Old veterans’ life story: outlines of veterans’ stories are quite similar for they are same generation; yet, details of their stories are different. 2. Old veterans’ life track: veterans were forced to change life course they had planned because of unexpected war, immigration to Taiwan, and so on. After immigrating to Taiwan, they had late marriage or even never got married due to political factors and financial concerns. In addition, many veterans have gone through painful and stressful experiences during the war, which hurt veterans a lot. 3. Old veterans’ experiences and realization of life: army life and life after retirement is both hard for old veterans; in addition, they have struggled financially for years. However, they pay more attention on their significant others, and they make it their duty to take care of their family members and friends. Furthermore, they look their life positive. In the end of the research, give suggestions based on my research, which enable veterans of new generations to have better life quality, and record old veterans’ stories to be historical data.


