  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of a Japanese Learning Environment Which Imitates Children Learning Process

指導教授 : 徐郁輝


對初學者而言,學習日文並不是一件簡單的事,日文書寫表現方式由假名與漢字組成,假名又分為平假名和片假名,每個都有對應的發音。由於日文的複雜性,初學者接觸不久就遭遇許多困難,有許多相似的字母,容易寫錯、混淆;在發音上,有些是中文和英文沒有的發音。尤其日文字母數量比中文、英文還多,初學者花費大量時間背誦卻無法牢記,或是只會看但不會念,平假名、片假名不能互相對應,這些挫折常是讓初學者放棄的原因。 針對日文初學者遇到的困難,本論文設計並實作一個學習基礎日文的環境,該環境模仿學齡前兒童學習語言的過程,讓初學者更快速的認識假名及其發音,並能認識最基本的單字。所用的方法是模仿提供嬰兒、幼兒的學習環境,並且加速模仿語言過程。回想小孩從嬰兒期開始,在聽覺的灌輸下,認識生活中單純的疊字,接者進入幼兒期,學習簡單的單字,再來發展到學齡前期,從單字延伸出簡單的會話,在這一連串學習過程中,初學者不僅對單字、會話有基本認識,同時對日文的基礎-五十音也有基本了解。另外本環境將五十音與生活周遭結合,初學者藉由外觀形狀聯想的方式將五十音與生活緊密連結,進而加強對五十音的認知。同時透過增加不同類型影片幫助學習成效,例如加入卡拉OK、五十音之歌等等,除此之外還加入自我測驗功能,初學者透過測驗可以快速了解學習的成果,逐漸增加對學習日文的信心。


學習環境 模仿學習 Bootstrap


For beginners, it’s difficult to learn Japanese. Japanese writing system uses a combination of kanji and kana, kana itself consists of a pair of hiragana and katakana. Due to the complexity of Japanese, beginners meet problems immediately when they start to learn. They’re confused with similar characters and pronunciations. The number of Japanese characters are many more than Chinese and English. Beginners take a lot of time but can’t memorize characters, or recognize hiragana and katakana. Beginners often give up because of frustration. In this thesis, we design and implement a Japanese learning system, which imitates children’s learning language process, and speed up learning process, beginners can learn kana, pronunciation and basic words faster. Start with infancy, who is surrounded by acoustic environment, and learn some single words easily. After that in toddle stage, they will learn basic words. Proceed to the preschool stage, they learn from word to conversation. With learning process, beginners not only have basic skill in words and conversations, but also memories the basic of Japanese, gojuon. In addition, the platform combine with around life, beginners can improve knowledge of gojuon with image associated, meanwhile add more types of video to learn Japanese efficiently. This system add karaoke, songs and so on. The system also include examinations, so that beginner can analyze the result of learning. And inspire confidence.


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