  • 學位論文

日本相機產業行銷策略之研究 - 以Canon企業為事例分析

The Research of Marketing Strategy of Japanese Camera Industry: A Case Study of Canon Company

指導教授 : 洪振義


今日的科技可說是一日千里,各種資訊的傳達也更加便利。在現今的社會當中,許多企業集團為了強化自身的競爭優勢、並且提昇產品的銷售量,因此採取各種行銷策略。然而,為了強化企業本身的競爭優勢,首要之事便是先了解行銷策略的定義、以及如何有效的運用行銷策略。 一般來說,行銷策略的定義在於行銷者以最低成本、最短時間,透過各種管道提供商品及服務,使顧客的需求獲得最大滿足。此外,SWOT分析、行銷組合、及品牌策略都是屬於行銷策略的一部分。SWOT 分析的主要目的在於考量企業內部條件的優勢和劣勢,是否有利於在產業內部競爭;機會和威脅是針對企業的外部環境進行探索,探討產業未來情勢之演變。行銷組合的目的在於公司為求達成行銷目標,所使用的一組行銷工具。 本論文研究以相機產業為主題,以Canon企業為研究案例,其目的在於探討相機產在日本與全球市場的主要發展,並且進一步了解Canon企業與其它相機製造廠商,為了強化自身的競爭優勢、以及提昇傳統相機與數位相機的銷售量而採取之相關策略。另一方面,本論文研究的另一個重點在於探討Canon企業的發展歷程、經營理念、產品研發、及未來目標。


In nowadays, the technology has great development, and the transmission of information has become more convenient. In today’s society, every company uses different marketing strategies in order to improve its competitive advantage, and also increase the sales of its products. However, it is necessary to develop an understanding about the meaning of marketing strategy, and how to use marketing strategy effectively with the purpose of improving a company’s competitive advantage. In general speak, marketing strategy can be described as selecting a target market and developing a marketing mix to satisfy that market’s needs. In addition, the SWOT analysis, marketing mix, and branding are also can be identified as a marketing strategy. SWOT analysis can be described as a strategic planning tool used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. The main point of this thesis is to make a research about the development of camera industry in Japan and global market. Moreover, Canon is chosen to be the case study of this research in order to develop an understanding of how did Canon and other companies use marketing strategies effectively with the main purpose of improving their own competitive advantage, and increase the sales of traditional camera and digital camera they have produced. On the other hand, another main point of this research is to develop and understanding about the history of Canon, theory of management, invention of new products, and the future target.


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