  • 學位論文


Study of tea industry in Taiwan after Second World War

指導教授 : 王樾


台灣茶業的發展大約是近兩百年左右的事,而台灣茶樹栽培和製茶技術,則是源於清 代,由福建引進茶樹種及製茶師,為近代台灣茶業奠下良好根基。十九世紀中葉,台灣烏 龍茶曾遠渡重洋外銷歐美,揚名海外,讓世界看到了台灣。雖說台茶源於中國大陸,但經 過了不斷的培育發展優質新樹種,精進研發製茶技術後,今日的台灣茶,已發展帶到了一 個極致的領域,受到海外許多國家熱愛品茗人士歡迎。 茶為台灣極重要的經濟產物,從清領、日治、到國民政府時期,均極力的提倡與獎勵 茶葉的發展,當時台灣的茶葉多數出口外銷,因此茶葉一直是極重要的出口產品,為國家 的經濟發展與創造外匯貢獻良多。之後,因國際茶葉市場的變動,加上台灣經濟起飛等因 素,致使台灣茶外銷受挫,而逐漸轉化為以內銷為主的形態。本篇除了研究戰後台灣茶產 銷發展的變化外,亦試圖探討台灣茶業未來發展趨勢及現今所面臨的問題。 本研究乃廣泛蒐集有關於台灣茶相關的資料,包含書籍、文獻、史料紀錄、官方統計 資料、專書與期刊、報章雜誌等資料。用以探究及了解台灣茶業的起源、歷史發展的狀況。 同時,參訪相關茶葉研究及推廣單位,與從事茶業相關產業的工作人員進行實際訪談及調 查,以補文獻資料之不足。此外,就現有的資料匯整後進行研究、分析、比對,以進一步 了解目前台灣茶產業的現況、台茶現存的問題,作為後續的論文研究與寫作的依據。 為使台灣茶業更具競爭力,於未來可以努力及加強的方向有:發展無毒農業、重視用 藥安全、降低勞力與生產成本、發展休閒茶業、產地証明標章的推廣與產銷履歷的建立、 落實農業智慧財產權的保護等工作。茶葉是台灣具有高經濟價值的農產品,只要政府與民 間通力合作,堅持走對的路,未來應該可以看到可觀的成效,台灣的茶業才能持續不斷的 永續經營與發展。


The development of the tea industry in Taiwan happened in recent two hundred years while the tea cultivation and the manufacturing technologies are originated from Qing Dynasty. The introduction of tea species and manufacturing experts from Fujian laid the foundation stone for modern Taiwan tea industry. In the middle of the 19th century, Formosa Oolong Tea has been exported to Europe and America, and Taiwan was famous in western countries for its tea. Though Taiwan tea is originated from mainland China, after being cultivated to develop new species and the manufacturing technologies being improved, Taiwan tea nowadays has been to an excellent level. Taiwan tea is popular among people who like tea savoring around the world. Tea was a very important agricultural product in the economy of Taiwan. From Qing Dynasty, the period of Japanese governance, to Kuomintang Government, the dominators all encouraged and promoted the development of tea industry. Therefore, tea industry became one of the important economic resources in Taiwan and also earned a lot of foreign exchange for Taiwan. However, tea industry underwent the challenges from globally economic environment and the transition of Taiwan turning into industry and commerce period, so its export performance was down to the bottom. Gradually, the tea industry became one for domestic market in Taiwan. In addition to studying the changes of the manufacturing and marketing of tea in Taiwan after World War II, this research is also trying to discuss the problems nowadays and the future development of the tea industry in Taiwan. This research widely collected information about the tea industry in Taiwan, including books, documents, historical records, the official statistical data, journals, newspapers and magazines, to understand the origin of the tea industry and the development of its history. To supply some information that can’t be inferred from the written data, this study also conducted interviews with tea researchers, organizations promoting tea, and people working in tea industry. By researching, analyzing, and comparing the collected information, the research figured out the present state and the existing problems of the tea industry in Taiwan. To make the tea industry in Taiwan be more competitive, here are some ways the industry can make progress: to develop non-toxic agriculture, emphasis on dosing safety, to lower the expense of labor and production, to develop tea industry for recreation, to promote origin certificate labeling and establishment of traceability certification, To implement protection of intellectual property rights of agricultural work, etc. Tea is the agricultural product with high economic value. If the government and the private can cooperate with each other, the tea industry in Taiwan can have sustainable development.


池宗憲,《武夷茶》,台北:宇河文化,2003 年。
張宏庸,《台灣傳統茶藝文化》,台北:漢光文化事業股份有限公司,1999 年。
連雅堂,《台灣通史》,台北:黎明文化事業股份有限公司,2001 年。

