  • 學位論文


Heritage Tourism: Take Four Cities in Britain as Case Studies

指導教授 : 卓忠宏


文化觀光,是全球化觀光的一種潮流,也是一個城市發展觀光的契機,文化觀光最早在1985年被世界觀光組織定義,然而隨著年代的增加,更多學者投注心力研究,讓文化觀光這門學科的理論更臻成熟,其中的遺產觀光更是目前世界各國發展觀光時不能忽略的一塊。遺隨著資訊傳播快速、科技發達的影響下,透過網路、電視等傳播媒體將更多文化藝術跨國傳遞資訊,也讓遺產觀光漸趨興盛,將文化遺產包裝後藉由行銷手法廣為宣傳,成為一國宣揚文化同時促進經濟消費的利器。 英國因其在政治經濟方面的發展為歐洲大國,在文化上的影響力更是不容小覷。身為歷史悠久的海島國家,透過海外冒險和殖民地開發,帶回許多人類珍貴的文化資產,也豐富英國本身文化的多元性和創造力。英國文化部同樣也致力於文化遺產的保護和推廣,加上其他非官方組織的合作與協調下,在實際操作上也能更有效率且快速地達成目標。此外,透過四個英國城市的遺產觀光發展作為個案研究,來檢視英國遺產觀光在中央和地方政府的政策及支援下, 是否帶來正面且積極的效果。 本研究分為四部份:第一章將說明研究動機與目的、研究方法、架構和限制;第二章說明文化觀光的定義及其種類和遺產觀光的興起;第三章從遺產觀光的理論和幾項主題討論英國遺產觀光的強項;第四張論述英國在文化政策上的規範,以及如何透過觀光政策的推廣,吸引更多文化觀光客;第五章則藉由個案研究,探討英國如何在實務上規劃與管理文化遺產作為發展文化觀光的利基及其產生的正面影響和負面衝擊。


Cultural tourism is a tourism trend which becomes more and more popular in recent year; with other researchers and scholars who participated in studying this subject and brought it to a higher level than travel. One of the most important classifications in Cultural tourism is Heritage tourism, almost all the countries have their own cultural heritages, and those precious monuments or artifacts could become the catalyst of one city’s economy development.Despite the controversial discussion about the modification of cultural heritage, heritage tourism is still a common way of developing one place’s tourism. Britain, a great country with its long royal history and the glorious past of colonization, had left so many historical buildings and architects which turned out to be the wonderful resources to develop heritage tourism. Heritage tourism is a main trend of tourism in Britain, with the promotion and protection from the government and other non-official organisations, Britain shows its past by making the history in a more interested and inspired way. This study chooses four cities in Britain and examines how they find the proper method to reboost the economy and revoke the public conscious of conserving the heritage. This study found out that Britain is already acquired a full-functional system of searching the heritages and protecting them from human or natural disasters, and those cities are capable to decide which policy or way they want to present their history to the tourists, but with the competition from other countries is getting more and more intense, those once really famous tourist city such as Bath and York, begin to loose their attraction to the local or international tourists, how to regain their prosper and capture the attention, it’ll need to take a careful deliberation by both central and local government.


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