  • 學位論文


Financial Commodity for Ageing Population Tendency-The Study of Reverse Mortgage

指導教授 : 聶建中 莊孟翰


我國即將逐漸邁入高齡化社會,伴隨著這即將崛起的老人市場,勢必對整個國民經濟產生重大影響。高齡化過程中許多獨居老人雖然居住在自己擁有的家,但手頭拮据無法過著有尊嚴的日子;以房養老之「逆向抵押權住宅貸款」是結合金融商品與社會福利的政策工具,此一制度的推行,應列為政府因應未來高齡化趨勢之必要政策。 本研究係採文獻探討、整理、歸納與問卷分析,透過蒐集與整理、歸納與分析和研究主題有關之書籍、論文、期刊、雜誌、新聞報導、網站檢索及問卷等資料,加以彙整比較,以提供本研究多面向之理論與實務及思考與了解;並透過分析美國、日本、澳洲、英國與中國的逆向抵押權住宅貸款制度,探討逆向抵押權住宅貸款之金融商品對國內金融機構的商業機會,除了希望能提供擁有住房的高齡者了解此一金融商品-「逆向抵押權住宅貸款」,俾對自己的權益以及退休生活有所助益外,並對高齡化趨勢所產生的特殊資金需求及金融機構的商業機會做初步的研究,希望能為金融商品的創新與拓展提供一個新的契機。


The moving into the ageing population society of our ountry which along with the rising of elderly market,is bound to have a significant impact on the entire national economy. In the process of ageing, many elderly living alone have their own house, but live without dignity because their fund are tight. Thus,the reverse mortgage of housing endowment is a policy combining financial commodity and social welfares. In response to the future ageing population tendency,the implementation of this system should be classified as the government’s necessary policy. This research utilized literature discussion,organization,summarization and questionnaire analysis. In order to provide this study a multi-oriented heory,practice,thinking and understanding, I analyzed and compared the books, papers, journals, magazines, reports, website retrievals and other questionnaire data relating to my research. Moreover,through the analysis of reverse mortgage system in the United States,Japan, Australia,Britain and China, I discuss the financial products of the business pportunities of reverse mortgage for domestic financial institutions.The goal of this research is to enable senior citizens who have homeownership to understand the financial commodity - reverse mortgage which may also benefit to myself in my retirement, besides, this preliminary study on the funding needs caused by ageing society and financial institution ’s business opportunities can provide a new chance for the expansion of the financial commodity .


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李秉芳、楊屯山 (2011),〈固定利率與指數型不動產逆向抵押貸款之比較分析〉《住宅學報》20(2):27-46。
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