  • 學位論文


The research on the prevention policy of military corruption in R.O.C

指導教授 : 王高成


人類各歷史朝代傾頹、滅亡的教訓如叛國、洩密、出賣等行為,均能影響國家之整體安危,而這些危機的發生,常是關鍵人物遭金錢收買,女色引誘所導致。以現今法律觀念衡量,「金錢所引誘」的犯罪就是「貪腐」,亦即貪污腐敗能影響國家安全,而軍事貪腐之發生,亦對國防安全上有極大的影響,屬於非傳統安全觀之範疇。 從1998年至2012年以來,我國政府各層級公務員之貪瀆到商業界之企業貪腐(背信、侵占、掏空資產等,如中興銀行、力霸公司等弊案)等弊案相繼爆發,均影響到國家軟實力之提升,實質上有影響國家整體安全之可能。尤以高階軍官所涉及之貪污弊案或間諜案件爆發,造成國軍形象大跌。甚至亦有軍人買官之傳說,導致軍人武德、紀律、操守、廉節令人疑竇,故藉研究本題目,冀望能釐清軍事貪瀆弊案發生之原因,並提出可行之防制對策,提供有關單位作為參考。 本論文共計6章,第1章為緒論,論述研究動機及研究目的,說明軍事貪腐與非傳統安全觀的概念,並論述貪瀆與國家綜合實力之關聯,軍事貪腐對國家安全之影響,作為本文研究之基礎。第2章則就犯罪學理論及白領犯罪之定義、類型及成因,對貪瀆犯罪作系統性說明,並歸類軍事貪腐行為,屬於軍中犯罪次文化。第3章則對近十二年來所發生之重大軍事貪腐弊案,進行分析,以提列為本論文之研究建議。第4章則以國軍防制貪瀆之作為進行檢討,瞭解國軍現階段防制貪瀆策略與作法,軍中肅貪組織暨防制之道,防貪所面臨的瓶頸,評析其可改進之處。第5章提出防制對策的芻議,並說明我國軍事設備採購之相關程序,軍火商類別,說明國防採購易生弊端之處,期以良善之制度,可行之政策,落實軍中防貪之目標。第六章為結論,探討本論文研究之發現、心得與啟示。


Throughout history, lessons learned from the falls and demises of the dynasties as a result of treason, leaks, and betrayal acts all affected the overall wellbeing of the regimes. The occurrences of these crises were often results of the key man accepting bribery and sexual favor. With the current measure of legal concepts, “money-induced lure” related crimes are “corruption.” That is, corruption can affect national security and lead to military corruption. It also has a great impact on national defense and security, which falls under the scope of non-traditional security. From 1998 to 2012, the negligence of duty of the civil servants of all government levels in Taiwan and the corporate corruption in the business community (such as breach of trust, occupancy, hollowed assets, scandals of Good Bank and Rebar Company) broke out one after another and all had an impact on the upgrading of the national soft power, substantially affecting the overall national security. In particular, the outbreak of corruption cases or spy cases involving senior military officers resulted in the crash of the image of the national military forces. Rumors even have it that some soldiers had “bought” their positions with money. As a result, doubts were raised over the martial moral, discipline, integrity, honesty, and moral conduct of the soldiers. Hence, this research topic is expected to clarify the reasons for the occurrence of military corruption cases and formulate feasible preventive measures, which shall serve as a reference for the relevant units. This thesis consists of six chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction that discusses the research motivation, the concepts of military corruption and non-traditional security, as well as the correlation between negligence of duty and the combined national strength, and the impact of military corruption on national security, all of which shall serve as the basis for this study; Chapter 2 described the negligence of duty-based crime system based on the definitions, types, and causes of the theories in criminology and white-collar crimes. Additionally, the military corruption behaviors were classified under the sub-culture of military crimes; Chapter 3 contains the analysis of the major military corruption cases that have taken place over the past 12 years, which were listed as the research recommendations in this thesis; Chapter 4 covers the review of the military negligence of duty related preventive measures in order to gain an insight into the current negligence of duty prevention strategies and practices adopted by the national military forces, the military anti-corruption organization and preventive measures, the bottlenecks faced in the corruption prevention, as well as the analysis of the areas for improvement; Chapter 5 includes the preventive strategies proposed and the description of the military equipment procurement related procedures and types of arms dealers to explain the national defense procurement related areas prone to abuses. It is expected that through sound systems and feasible policies, the corruption prevention goals can be implemented in the military; Chapter 6 covers the conclusions and the discussion of the research findings, reviews, and inspirations for this thesis paper.


孫錦煌、溫源鳳、張翠婷,《國軍組織變革工作特性、工作生活品質與工作投入關係之探討- 以空軍後勤參謀為例》, 《Journal of Crisis Management》,第5卷第1期,2008年。
