  • 學位論文


The Study on the Legal Restructure of Custody Claims after Divorce in Taiwan - Implication from Germany

指導教授 : 林江峰


觀諸我國自民國70年迄103年底之「粗離婚率」不斷提高,顯見離婚現象在我國可說已日漸普遍,離婚愈來愈有可能成為婚姻經營失敗所發生的結果,因此,離婚贍養費給付所涉及之財產分割問題,即愈顯重要。如何能尋找出合理給付贍養費方式,藉由學術研究以彌補實務缺失,自對國家法律制度有相當助益。 本論文共分為6章,茲分述如下:第一章:緒論,包括本論文之研究動機、研究目的及研究架構;第二章:婚姻經營、沿革及效力分析;第三章:離婚後扶養請求權之理論基礎;第四章:德國夫妻離婚後扶養請求權之相關法制,並提供德國制度之特色以供參酌;第五章:我國法制再造推動與建議,並對於現行我國法制缺失,逐一提出意見;第六章:結論與建議。 婚姻是要用一輩子的時間來維持的,惟經營不善之婚姻,最終離婚收場在所難免,相關權益請求亦將接踵而生;就婚姻關係中經濟弱者之一方而言,之所以仍願意停留在破碎婚姻中,有時並非對於配偶之留戀,而係擔心婚後生活將無以為繼。現行民法第1057條於民國19年即已訂定,迄今逾80年從未修正,其規定是否確實符合社會發展需要?又是否過於簡略而有探討空間?本論文爰就相關問題進行研究。


離婚 扶養請求權 法制再造


From 1981 to the end of 2014, the “crude divorce rate” in Taiwan, ROC has been increasing significantly, indicating that the phenomenon has become rather common in Taiwan. Divorce is the result of the failure in marriage. Therefore, the issues of alimony payment and the division of properties have become more and more important. How to find out a reasonable method regarding the alimony payment? If we try to remedy the problems with findings derived from academic research, it will be beneficial to the legal system of our country. This thesis is divided into 6 chapters. Chapter 1 is the Introduction, including the motivation, purpose, and research framework of this thesis. Chapter 2 analyzes the issues of the management, history, and effectiveness of marriage. Chapter 3 delineates the theoretical foundation of the claims of child support in divorce cases. Chapter 4 discusses the legal system regarding the claims of child support in divorce cases in Germany, and provides the features of the German legal system for references. Chapter 5 offers suggestions for the reformation of the legal system of Taiwan, ROC and provides criticism on each of the shortcomings of Taiwan’s legal system. Chapter 6 is the conclusion and suggestion section of this thesis. Marriage is a lifelong bond between two people, who must be dedicated to maintaining it with effort. However, a problematic marriage may end up in divorce. As a result, claims and controversies regarding duties and rights arise. A minority choose to remain in a broken marriage not because they want to adhere to the relationship, they worry about survival after a divorce. Article 1057 of ROC Civil Code was enacted in 1930, and it has not been amended for 80 years. Does it comply with the needs of current social conditions? Is it over-simplified offering space for further discussion? This thesis examines related issues to find out better solutions.


divorce custody claims


30、Prof. Dr. Andreas Roth著,戴瑀如譯,公元一九九八年之德國新結婚法,台大法學論叢,第29卷第3期,民國89年4月。
1、 史尚寬,親屬法論,臺灣榮泰印書館,民國69年6月第四版。
2、 林秀雄主編,民法親屬繼承實例問題分析,五南出版公司,民國92年9月初版。
3、 林秀雄,離婚之效力,月旦法學教室,第86期,民國98年11月。
4、 林菊枝,親屬法新論,五南圖書出版公司,民國85年9月初版。
