  • 學位論文


A Study of Customer Value and Consumer pruchasing decisions for Male Facial Care Product

指導教授 : 張俊惠


隨著時代的變革,愛美已經不再是女性的專利,新時代的男性不僅在乎內在涵養,也重視外在的表徵,從衣著服飾到髮型設計,現在更把注意力放在肌膚的保養上。因此近年來,在這股型男熱潮下,台灣男性保養風潮隨之興起。由相關的市調公司也紛紛針對男性保養市場進行調查,可看出男性保養市場受到矚目的程度。以創世紀市調(2009)之調查結果,台灣將近有1/4的男性已經有固定使用臉部保養品的習慣。因此本研究重點,是想要了解在男性也顧面子的時代,究竟哪些男性是使用保養品的主力客群,其追尋的顧客價值為何?並進一步探討他們的購買決策行為,以利廠商有效進行溝通。因此,為了能清楚了解台灣男性臉部保養品市場,消費者所追尋的顧客價值。本研究參考Smith and Colgate(2007),等許多學者對顧客價值之定義與分類,作問卷設計之依據。以男性保養品使用者為研究對象,以紙本與網路問卷發放方式。最終以327份有效問卷,進行相關的統計分析。 研究結果與發現,台灣男性追尋的臉部保養顧客價值,分別為展現自我的「個人表徵價值」、功能性需求的「實用功能價值」、深度保養的「精緻保養價值」與情感反應的「情感驅動價值」。其中最重視的價值為「個人表徵價值」,所以在行銷意涵上,特別是廠商在有限資源下,在與消費者的溝通上,可優先針對此價值進行溝通,傳達具有「個人表徵價值」的保養觀念。


As times change, beauty has no longer a female of the patent, a new era of men not only care about the Internal conservation, also attached importance to external representation, from the dress to hair styling, and now more to Attention on the skin maintenance on. Thus in recent years, the craze in the sportsman, Taiwan followed the rise of men's skin care trend. By the relevant market research companies have also come for the men's skin care market survey, we can see that men's skin care market is affected by the degree of attention. Market research to CyberPanal (2009) of survey results, Taiwan nearly 1 / 4 of men have a fixed habit of using facial care products. Focus of this study is to want to know also beauty in the male age, what is the use of skin care products men's main customer base, their pursuit of customer value for that? And to further explore the behavior of their purchasing decisions in order to facilitate effective communication between manufacturers. Therefore, in order to understand the male face care products in Taiwan market, consumers are pursuing customer value. This study Reference Smith and Colgate (2007), and many scholars, the definition of customer value and classification, a basis for questionnaire design. To men's skin care product users as the sampling object to release paper and online questionnaire form. Eventually 327 valid questionnaires, the associated statistical analysis. Results and found that maintenance of Taiwan men pursuit of customer value, respectively, show themselves "personal characterization of value" functional needs "practical function value", the depth of maintenance of "exquisite care value" and the emotional response of "emotional drive value " One of the most important value of "personal characterization of value", The implication for marketing, particularly manufacturers limited resources, communication with the consumer, be given priority for this value to communicate, to convey a "personal characterization of the value of" maintenance concept.


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