  • 學位論文


UAV Mathematical Model Building and Design of a Characteristics Measurement System for Motors

指導教授 : 劉寅春


本論文以靈活飛行的無人機為研究基礎,建立四旋翼機數學模型與無刷馬達特性檢測系統,以期能得到接近實際飛行結果之四旋翼機動態模擬。 建立四旋翼機數學模型可令使用者於實際飛行前確認自身四旋翼機飛行姿態及飛行路徑,並從中調整控制器參數以避免實際飛行時因控制參數問題而導致墜落。本論文設計一PD控制器於四旋翼機姿態控制,一PID控制器於四旋翼機位置控制,以穩定飛行路徑及飛行姿態。 馬達參數在過去是藉由廠商所提供之馬達與螺旋槳規格參數,結合各種阻力與能量耗損,並透過繁雜運算所得。本論文設計一組馬達特性檢測系統,透過量測馬達與螺旋槳結合後旋轉所得之轉速、升力與扭矩,並經過簡單計算即可取得馬達參數。 最後為證明四旋翼機馬達參數之重要性,輸入指定飛行任務點,經由實驗得出四旋翼機之模擬姿態、位置與馬達轉速於不同馬達參數下所得之不同響應,藉此驗證正確馬達參數的重要性。並將模擬結果以三維空間表示,模擬四旋翼機於空間中飛行之任務軌跡,及其姿態。


This paper research is based on flexible flight quadcopter. Building quadcopter mathematical model and design of a characteristics measurement system for motors to get the quadcopter dynamic simulation close to the real flight. Building quadcopter mathematical model can make user confirm there quadcopter’s flight position and attitude. It can also modify controller parameters before they flight. In this paper we design a PD controller in quadcopter attitude control and design a PID controller in quadcopter position control. In the past, motor parameter is be gotten from compute motor and propeller’s parameter and lots of resistance and coefficient in many complex formulas. This paper design of a characteristics measurement system for motors. Getting the motor parameter by measuring propeller’s speed, lift and torque and sample formula. Finally, in order to prove the importance of the correct motor parameter. We enter the designed mission point, getting different result from propeller’s speed, analog attitude and position and different motor parameter. And take the simulation result in three-dimensional space to simulate the quadcopter’s flight path and flight attitude.


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