  • 學位論文


A Reinterpretation of Guo Xiang's Commentary on the Zhuangzi

指導教授 : 袁保新 高柏園


全書共為八章,除緒論外,現摘要如下: 〈第二章‧郭象《莊子注》的時代議題〉:此章要探究郭象身處的時代,面臨何種時代課題?他究竟抱持何種態度詮釋《莊子》? 〈第三章‧當代郭象玄學詮釋系統之省察〉:此章反省當代研究,企圖找尋前賢對郭象哲學,還有哪些未解決的問題,等待我們接續努力。 〈第四章‧「性」、「命」、「理」玄合——郭象「自然」義之重衡〉:此章研究郭象「自然」義,我們延伸出三議題: 一、重建郭象「性」、「命」與「理」三概念之義涵。 二、判斷郭象「存有論」究竟適宜何種詮釋體系? 三、嘗試連貫「獨化」、「相因」與「玄冥」三概念間的關係。 〈第五章‧從「適性逍遙」到「無為而治」——郭象逍遙義之重衡〉:郭象扭轉《莊子‧逍遙遊》文義,但此「創造性的詮釋」亦引起歷代學者爭議,對於郭象詮釋《莊子》的適切性也兩極化。本章試圖解析郭象「適性逍遙」的價值與工夫義,更通過三個議題方向展開全文: 一、詮解「適性逍遙」的價值與修養論述。 二、剖析郭象之於莊子,在修養論上有何不同? 三、勾勒「適性逍遙」中的道化之治義涵。 〈第六章‧道體儒用?道化之治?——郭象「名教即自然」義之重衡〉:在這章,我們認為郭象並非混和儒道,而是順從《莊子》對儒家「名教」之批判,重建「名教」意涵。從這主要問題出發,我們延伸三議題,以撰寫此章: 一、分析郭象建構道家「仁」、「義」、「禮」諸概念之意義。 二、說明《莊子》不同於儒家的社會制度。 三、釐清郭注是否承襲了《莊》書批判、治療儒家禮教之精神? 〈第七章‧〈齊物論〉與郭注義理對勘之重衡〉:本文希望對當今學術界的研究成果,提出進一步之省思,亦順主要問題意識,分殊三子題: 一、探尋郭象詮解〈齊物論〉之理論。 二、省思「主觀境界型態」對〈齊物論〉的詮釋效力,是否需要再補充? 三、探討郭象錯誤解讀〈齊物論〉諸概念,是否真違反〈齊物論〉義理? 〈第八章‧結論〉:回顧與統整諸章之研究成果,並突出本文與其他著作不同處。


There are 8 chapters in the whole book. Apart from the introduction, the abstract is as below. 〈Chapter 2‧Contemporary Issues in Guo Xiang’s Annotation of Zhuang Zi〉: This chapter is to discuss what contemporary subjects were faced by the times of Guo Xiang, and what kinds of attitudes Guo was holding when interpreting Zhuang Zi. 〈Chapter 3‧Contemporary Guo Xiang Philosophy- The Investigation of Various Interpreting Systems〉: The chapter reflects on the contemporary research, putting emphasis on the problems unsolved by the predecessors in the academic field and awaiting us to keep making efforts. 〈Chapter 4‧ Fusion of “X-ing,” “Allotment,” and “Circumstances”: Guo Xiang’s Reinterpretation of “So-of Itself”〉: The chapter looks into Guo Xiang’s definition of “So-of Itself,” further coming up with three issues: 1、Reestablishing Guo Xiang’s definitions of “X-ing,” “Allotment,” and “Circumstances.” 2、Deciding what kind of system is suitable to be interpreted with Guo Xiang’s “Ontology.” 3、Managing to make the relationships between the three concepts of “Du Hua,” “Xiang Yin,” and “Xuan Ming” coherent. 〈Chapter 5‧ From “ Following Its Own Nature” to “Governing by Actionless Activity”:Rereading Guo Xiang’s Theory of “Xiao-Yao”〉: Guo Xiang reversed the meaning of Zhuang Zi’s Xiao-Yao You, but this “Creative Interpretation” has caused the stirs among the past scholars, and opinions towards Guo Xiang’s appropriateness on interpreting Zhuang Zi have also been polarized. The chapter seeks to analyze the values and possibilities of actually realizing Guo Xiang’s “Following Its Own Nature,” unfolding the text with three aspects: 1、Interpreting the values and self-cultivating accounts of “Following Its Own Nature.” 2、Analyzing the differences between Guo Xiang and Zhuang Zi upon their theories of cultivation. 3、Outlining the rules of ethics in “Following Its Own Nature.” 〈Chapter 6‧Reconciling Confucianism with Taoism? Taoist Political Philosophy? : Reevaluating Guo Xiang’s «“Code of ethics” is “So-of Itself”»〉: In this chapter, we believe, instead of mixing Confucianism and Taoism, Guo Xiang followed Zhuang Zi ’s judgments towards the “Code of ethics” of Confucianism and reestablished the definition of it. From this main issue, we composed the chapter with three other extended topics: 1、Proposing the definitions Guo Xiang used to construct the “Authoritative Conduct,” “Appropriate,” and “Ritual Propriety” of Taoism. 2、Explaining Zuang Zi’s social institutions that were slightly different from those of Confucianism. 3、Clarifying if Guo Xiang’s annotations inherited spirits of Zuang Zi which criticized and healed the Confucian ethics. 〈Chapter 7‧ Reevaluating « Qi Wu Lun » and Guo’s Annotations〉: This thesis is aimed at proposing further reflections upon academies’ current research results. 1、Exploring Guo Xiang’s theories to interpret Qi Wu Lun. 2、Considering the interpreting impacts of“ subjective Jingjie Xing Tai” on Qi Wu Lun and seeing if there’s a need to complement it. 3、Discussing if Guo Xiang’s various misunderstandings on Qi Wu Lun truly violate the theories of Qi Wu Lun itself. 〈Chapter 8‧ Conclusion〉: Reviewing and organizing the research results of all the chapters, further marking the differences of this thesis from the others.


1、 (清)郭慶藩輯,王孝魚整理:《莊子集釋》(臺北:華正書局有限公司,2004年7月初版1刷)。
2、 (魏)王弼撰,樓宇烈校釋:《王弼集校釋》(台北:華正書局有限公司,2006年8月二版1刷)。
3、 (魏)嵇康撰,戴明揚校注:《嵇康集校注》(北京:中華書局,2014年12月2刷)。
4、 (晉)張湛注,楊伯峻集釋:《列子集釋》(北京:中華書局,1997年10月5刷)。
