  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship between Information Sharing Motivations and Behaviors of Virtual Community Participants in Different Backgrounds- With an Example of PTT.

指導教授 : 何俐安


由於網路科技的發展,近年來虛擬社群快速興起,透過網路媒介人們得以快速的獲取、分享或交換彼此擁有的資訊。文獻指出資訊分享是一種發生在網絡之中的高度社會性行為,而虛擬社群的概念與實體的社群相同,透過網路無遠弗屆的特性,人們在社群中能夠更頻繁的進行資訊分享行為。而不同的社群成員亦有不同的資訊分享動機,透過虛擬社群平台所提供的功能機制,使得社群成員能夠與其他成員進行資訊的傳遞與接收,並藉此滿足自身的資訊需求。本研究旨在瞭解不同個人背景的虛擬社群使用者資訊分享動機與資訊分享行為的關聯性研究,藉由多元迴歸分析的結果,希望能找出其影響的關鍵因素。研究以虛擬社群臺大批踢踢實業坊成員為研究對象(N=502),利用問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,回收問卷以t-test,1-way ANOVA,Pearson correlation, stepwise regression統計方法進行數據分析。研究獲得的結論有以下三點: 一、 資訊分享動機對資訊分享行為有顯著的預測力,其中以意見交流因素之預測力最大。 二、 不同背景變項之虛擬社群使用者對資訊分享動機構面之影響情形,在個人特質、於PTT中扮演不同角色、個人依附風格種類的不同在資訊分享動機上有顯著差異。 三、 不同背景變項之虛擬社群使用者對資訊分享行為構面之影響情形,在性別、個人特質、於PTT中扮演不同角色、個人依附風格種類的不同在資訊分享行為上有顯著差異。


In recent years, due to the rapid development of internet technology, resulting in the rise of virtual communities. Through the internet as a medium, people can quickly obtain, share or exchange information with each other. Previous results showed that information sharing is a highly social behavior occurs on the internet. The concept of virtual communities and community entities are the same, through the far-reaching features of network, people were able to share their information more frequently in the virtual community. Different members of the virtual community have different information sharing motives, through virtual community platform functionality provided, enables community members to pass and receive information with other members, and to meet their information needs. Therefore, the present study aims to examine the relationships between information sharing motivations and behaviors of virtual community participants in different backgrounds. This study is a survey research which targets members of a virtual community in Taiwan, PTT, as research subjects (N=502). A survey questionnaire was used collect data and the findings are: 1. Information sharing motivation has positively and significantly predicted the member’s information sharing behaviors. Among the five motivational factors, exchanging opinions have the stringiest predictive power. 2. Personal qualities, play different roles in PTT, the different types of personal attachment style have significant differences in the information sharing motivation. 3. Gender, personal characteristics, play different roles in PTT, the different types of personal attachment style have significant differences in information sharing behavior.




