  • 學位論文


The Sources of Political Knowledge: Focusing on Effects of Education and Mass Media

指導教授 : 林聰吉


本文以政治知識為研究主軸,並聚焦於教育與媒體兩大影響因素,探討政治知識的來源。筆者先以政治大學九筆資料庫、內政部總體資料、台灣地區社會變遷基本調查 等四筆資料進行台灣民眾政治知識、教育程度與媒體接觸的跨年分析,再以TEDS2003年資料庫探討實際影響政治知識的因素,嘗試解答下列研究問題:(1)台灣民眾的政治知識發展趨勢為何?(2)教育程度的發展呈現何種趨勢?與政治知識的相關性為何?是否有助於政治知識的提昇?(3)台灣民眾的媒體使用情形是否有所改變?媒體接觸的種類與頻率是否對政治知識的提昇有所影響?(4)政治知識尚受何種因素影響?經分析後,獲致以下結果。首先,台灣民眾自1992至2004年的政治知識呈現波動的現象,平均而言民眾具有中等偏高的政治知識;其中並以時事知識較豐富,而制度知識是較缺乏的。其次,民眾在教育程度與媒體接觸方面均有所增長;台灣民眾的教育程度於1992至2005年已大大提昇,而1993至2003年間民眾的閱報時間雖無增長,但看電視的時間卻愈來愈長,十年間增加半小時左右。第三,教育程度與媒體接觸為影響政治知識的兩大因素,教育程度愈高政治知識愈高,並對制度知識的影響較大。而接觸媒體的時間愈長者,同樣擁有愈高的政治知識,且相對於看報紙者,看電視的民眾的政治知識較為低落。第四,政治知識除受教育與媒體影響外,尚有重要的影響變數如性別、年齡、居住地等。至於政黨認同與社會資本兩項則對政治知識的影響較輕微。


The main theme of this research is “the study of political knowledge”, and it focuses on the influential factors such as education level and mass media. I referred to the data in the National Chengchi university’s nine database, the whole data in the Ministry of Interior, four database of the basic Survey of Social Changes in Taiwan province to do Taiwanese people’s political knowledge, educational level and mass media exposure across years analysis and used TEDS 2003’s data to discuss what factors exactly influence the political knowledge and try to answer these questions as follows: 1.What tendency did Taiwan’s political knowledge develop? 2.What tendency did the education level develop? What’s the relativity between education level and political knowledge? If education level helped raise political knowledge? 3.Was there any changes in mass media exposure during this period? If the kinds and frequency of mass media exposure helped raise political knowledge? 4.What factors also affected political knowledge? I got the results after I analyzed my data and they were as follows: 1.Taiwanese political knowledge level fluctuated up and down from 1992 to 2004. Generally speaking, if the people have above average political knowledge, they will have better time’s knowledge and less institution knowledge. 2.People’s education level and mass media exposure have been raised during this period. The education level of Taiwanese people has been raised a lot from 1992 to 2005. Although the time spent on mass media exposure wasn’t getting longer, the time spent on watching TV did become longer and add about half an hour during the last decade. 3.Education level and mass media exposure were the two most important factors that influenced political knowledge. The higher education level is and the more it will affect political institution. Besides, if people spend more time on mass media exposure, they will also have higher political knowledge. If we compared with the people who read the newspaper, those who watch TV have relatively lower political knowledge. 4.Political knowledge was also influenced by gender、age and residential area. As to party identification and social capital, these two factors had less influence.


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