  • 學位論文


The Relationship between of the Name and Melody in "Hua Jian Ji"

指導教授 : 呂正惠 蘇敏逸


《花間集》是早期詞作的集結,在詞史上具有開拓地位。《花間集》反映了詞體格律的成就。每一詞牌大都附有一首至數首詞作,書中所列舉的作品,可以提供我們研究詞格律的重要參考文獻。可藉由《花間集》一書的所有詞牌格律,探討詞體格律的演化。 本論文分析《花間集》各詞牌體例的格律,參照各家詞牌格律以辨正歸納的方法,探索出相異處加以分析,將《花間集》詞牌的名稱、源流、格律、用韻,以比較、分析、統計的方式呈現。經過格律分析後,將分析完成的格律作類型化的歸納及整理,透過此「分析」、「歸納」的方式,以掌握《花間集》中所有格律變化差異。 本文分五章,第一章緒論,第二章「詞作字數、句數或押韻有差異的詞牌」,第三章「詞作字數、句數及押韻皆俱差異的詞牌」,第四章 「同時具備單調和雙調的詞牌」此三章主要根據每種詞牌各體格律差異的情形,依照字數、句數、押韻由簡易到複雜的差異做整理、統計、分析;第五章 「結論— 從《花間集》看詞牌格律的形成」,從前四章的探討加以歸納說明。 透過討論《花間集》五百首詞作,根據所用的七十七種詞牌,所產生的一百七十二個體例,來瞭解詞牌格律的演進過程。


花間集 詞牌 格律


"Hua Jian Ji" is the word for the build-up early in the history of a pioneering position in the word. "Hua Jian Ji" reflects Ci metrical achievement. Each Cipai mostly with a number of the first word to make the book cited work, we study the word rhyme can provide important references. May be all Cipaimetrical"Hua Jian Ji" a book to explore the evolution of Ci metrical. This paper analyzes "Hua Jian Ji" each Cipai metrical style, referring to various Cipai metrical Discrimination inductive method, to explore different place to analyze the"Hua Jian Ji" Cipai name, origin, metrical, with rhyme, In comparison, analysis, statistical presented. After metrical analysis, the metrical analysis is completed for the type of induction and consolidation, through this "analysis", "summed up" approach, in order to grasp the difference between all metrical changes "Hua Jian Ji". This paper consists of five chapters, the first chapter, Chapter 2, "word for word, sentence or rhyme has several differences Cipai," Chapter 3, "word for word, sentence and rhymes are a few differences in both Cipai" section chapters, "along with the monotony and dual tone Cipai" This chapters are mainly based on the situation of each respective body Cipai metrical differences, according to the number of words, number of sentences, from simple to complex rhyming differences do sorting, statistics and analysis; fifth chapter, "Conclusion - From"Hua Jian Ji" See Cipai metrical form," the former be summarized in four chapters explore the description. "Hua Jian Ji" by discussing the first five hundred words for, according to one hundred seventy-two style used seventy-seven kinds Cipai, arising out of, to understand the evolution of Cipai metrical.


Hua Jian Ji Cipai metrical



