  • 學位論文

馬來西亞華人企業經營模式與決策 --- 「雲頂集團」之研究

Business Models and Decisions of Malaysian Chinese: A Case Study of “Genting Group”

指導教授 : 林欽明


以企業經營的角度,來探討馬來西亞華人企業經營模式與決策,以「雲頂集團」(Genting Group)為中心研究範圍。首先,是以東南亞華人及華人企業,在當地國的形成與發展,來探討東南亞華人的經濟活動與雲頂集團事業的緣起。分析馬來西亞政府在各個時期的政策,對華人企業造成的影響與彼此間的相互關係,及華人企業的因應方式;其次,是以華人所經營的雲頂集團之個案,來探討雲頂企業集團在馬來西亞的形成與發展的背景與現況。雲頂與其他的企業集團又有何差異之處,並分析國內、外的政經環境及國內不同的宗教、社會及文化背景下,其因應態度與對策。1997年金融風暴的前後,集團的因應策略與舉措而將危機化為轉機,在現代化的潮流趨勢下,又如何挑戰國際跨國經營的企業競爭力;最後,以研究後所發現的諸多重點,及未來值得省思之處做為本文的結論。 在研究過程中,可以了解到不論是東南亞國家,或者是雲頂集團所在國的馬來西亞,為保護當地原住民族群,過度壓縮了華人及華人企業的自由發展,而「同化政策」與「抑華政策」,也讓華人面臨前所未有的挑戰。80年代前,過度的政府干預,華人面對本土與外國資本的競爭,有些企業因而出走或採取集團化的經營,擴大經營規模及朝向跨國的多元化方向。1980、90年代起,政府採取了較寬鬆的政策,華人也感受到政府的善意。同時,族群的對立獲得趨緩,進而巫華的合作也有較好的契機,不同於過去「阿里峇峇」的合作模式,而是現代化的真正聯合。雲頂集團在發展過程中,呈現其獨特的經營模式與決策,歷經了諸多的阻礙與衝擊,對馬國的觀光旅遊與經濟發展,做出了貢獻,為華人成功企業的代表之一。 就本文的結論方面,綜合地發現-雲頂集團的經營特色、華人對當地國的認同深度、華人企業與其他資本競合的相互關係。雲頂集團事業基礎的博奕事業,現今東南亞或者其他亞洲的國家,紛紛起而效尤,正反面的兩極評價皆有。另外,東南亞許多企業也都面臨了接班人的問題,是否能青出於藍,皆是日後有待觀察的地方。


This study concerns enterprise management, specifically focusing on the Malaysian Chinese enterprises in their management and decision-making patterns, with Genting Group as a particular research case. It first explores the Southeast Asian Chinese and the Chinese Business in their local formation and development, especially on business activities of the Genting Group . It is found that the Malaysian government, in various time period, had some influences toward the Chinese Businesses as well as interacted with each other. The study next explores how Genting Group was transforming in the environment of Malaysia's policy development and economic situations. Genting differs somewhat from other business groups, and endeavors to accommodate with domestic and foreign political changes in such aspects as religion, society and culture. In responding to the 1997 financial crisis, the Group adopted a strategy of transforming the crisis into opportunities and acted aggressively to increase its competitiveness facing severe challenges in the international sphere. Lastly, it summarizes findings in the study and points out key areas for future research. Through the study it is found that whether for Southeast Asian countries or particular business such as the Genting Group of Malaysia, the protection of aboriginal nationals always takes precedent and many Chinese and Chinese businesses therefore faced deep pressures in their development, particular in adapting to the “assimilation policy" and "anti-Chinese" measures. Before the 1980's, excessive government interventions forced the Chinese either left the country or expanded into conglomerates taking part in transnational activities. In the 1980's and 1990's, the government adopted more lenient policies which were greatly appreciated by many Chinese people. At the same time, ethnic conflict also softened which saw a rising opportunity for cooperation between Malays and Chinese, hence the former phenomena of "Ali Baba" disappeared and a modernized union emerged. In its development process, Genting Group revealed a unique management pattern and decision-making styles which, in facing various hindrances and negative impacts, establishes a capability to contribute to Malaysia’s tourism and other development. In conclusions, the study raises the importance of Genting Group's management characteristics, the Chinese identification to resident countries and the competitive and cooperative relations between Chinese businesses and other capitals. Gambling is the foundation for Genting Group’s development, which is now emulated by many Southeast Asian or other Asian countries, with either potitive or negative criticisms. Moreover, many enterprises in Southeast Asia are facing the problem of business succession which is worth observing in the near future.


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