  • 學位論文


The Constitutional Development of Spain

指導教授 : 卓忠宏


西班牙憲政發展 摘要 西班牙受自由、民族主義思想影響,憲政思想最早發源於1812年,歴經君主立憲與共和國時期,然始終因未達成熟而失敗收場。直至佛朗哥將軍在內戰獲勝而取得統治權,實行的威權統治雖使民主憲政短暫仍無法實現,卻為往後民主政治發展奠定良好基礎。卡洛斯國王在佛朗哥時期承襲西班牙國家元首繼承人,但並未延續佛朗哥體制,反而滿足多數人民對於民主化的期待,以溫和且包容手段與時任政府帶領西班牙走向全新憲政大道,於1978年12月成功制憲。國王身為憲法守護者,並在關鍵時刻挺身而出,阻止外來威脅發生以化解憲政危機。在行憲30餘年,西班牙加入歐體後,為應盡會員國之義務,「七八憲法」與歐盟法間聯結關係表現在憲法隨歐盟法法規而有所成長與變遷。然目前國內分離主義高漲與政經表現不佳可能削弱人民對於政府的信心,甚至動搖「七八憲法」存立之必要性,因此政治菁英必須穩定政局外,必要時給予適當溝通與回應,重建民主憲政意識並積極落實立憲價值。西班牙憲法有國際性與完整性之特色,它需要大眾支持與認同才能有其正當性之延續,持續發展屬於西班牙民主憲政之精神與意義。


The Consitutional Development of Spain Abstract Spain has long been influenced by liberalism and nationalism. Its constitutional spirit can date back in 1812. After experiencing the period of monarchical constitution and republic, however, the constitutional system fell short in the end owing to conditional immature. Not until General Franco had prevailed in the Civil War did he establish a positive foundation for democratic constitution of Spain. King Juan Carlos I is the successor of Franco albeit, he did not last the authoritarian region; on the contrary, he led the country to a new constitutional stage with a moderate and enlightened attitude. The Constitution was made successfully in December of 1978. After more than 30 years, the 1978 Constitution has been grown and revised with the EU Law. The government is faced with the challenge of the rise of secessionism and poor performance in economy. People’s confidence in the country has been waken, which threatens the existence of the 1978 Constitution. Therefore, the political elites have to stabilize the crucial situation, communicate and respond with people properly when they are in need, rebuild the consciousness of democratic constitution, and fulfill the constitutional values. The Constitution of Spain has its unique of international and integrity. Its legitimacy needs to last by popular support and recognition, which also develop the spirit and meaning of democratic constitution in Spain.


Spain Constitution of Spain Franco Democratization


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陳坤森譯,Arend Lijphart著,《當代民主類型與政治》,台北:桂冠,1995
黃德福主編,李酉潭,陳志瑋合譯,George Sørensen著,台北:韋伯,2003

