  • 學位論文


Intelligent Guiding , Monitoring and Fingerprint Identification System for the Blind

指導教授 : 周永山


"行"是生活的一件大事,然而對盲胞朋友而言,現有的設施對其並不方便,因此,本論文設計一套「智慧型導盲監控暨指紋辨識系統」幫助盲胞朋友解決行的問題。 本系統包含下列三個子系統:(1)導盲杖系統、(2)指紋辨識系統以及(3)遠端監控預警系統。其中導盲杖系統應用了RFID的技術,結合語音播放主機,可提供盲胞朋友了解目前所處位置附近的地理及交通資訊,俾利其行動。而對盲胞朋友而言,門禁的出入又是另一項難題。本論文提出一套以指紋辨識為基礎的身份驗證系統,與導盲杖系統結合,如此一來盲胞朋友即可透過本系統迅速完成身份辨識,方便其通過門禁。另外,藉由遠端預警監控的方式,控管中心人員將可隨時掌控盲胞朋友的行蹤,若盲胞朋友需要幫忙,也可立即派遣人員前去協助,以達到監控預警之效。


Moving is one of the most important things in one’s daily life. However, several obstacles to the blind still exist in various public spaces. In this thesis we design an intelligent guiding, monitoring and fingerprint identification system for the blind. The system consists of three subsystems: (1) the blind-guide cane system, (2) the fingerprint verification system, and (3) the remote monitoring system. The blind-guide cane system that we have developed integrates the RFID technology and an audio player, which can provide the visual impaired persons with useful audio-guiding information at several reference sites on the road. In addition, it can be integrated with the proposed fingerprint verification system to facilitate the visual impaired persons’ entrance of the gates. On the other hand, the blind can also be assisted by the proposed remote monitoring system when they need help.


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